LETTER 01 : Letter from Gaia ( Mother Earth to Earthling)

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Dear Earthling,

As, I see the hour;

Gradually and progressively;

Paints your existence;

As, the sand of time;

Imparts in you;

That life!

Is precious and priceless;

As, I being your emblem;

I want maintenance and support;

In the time of catastrophe

Gaia - A poor soul asking his worldly creature;

But, those money - oriented being;

Demanding more returns;

Overlooking the shriek of soul;

In smoke and filth;

Clog the breathe of marine;

Enthralls blood of thousands innocent lives;

But, all in vain

Then Allah receives;

The silent supplication of Gaia

HE shows What HE does?


And the war begins;

With unseen being;

Individuals are frightened and lunatic;

Humans in cage,

Gloomily see winged nature;

But, as the time passes;

Mother earth misses her Earthlings;

The chatter box;

Hustle and bustle of road

The footprints of children

She hopes forgiveness from Lord.

The darkness fades;

And, life starts again.


Depressed Gaia

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