LETTER 02: Letter to My Father

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The Day When I Lost My Father,

The day I had realized,

How much I need him.

His silent presence means a lot

The relationship we share

Is mystical,

I am unable to recall the memory that;

When we last hugged each other;

But, at that day I accepted that;

Some bonds are spiritual;

Our souls are connected.

As soon as his heart last breathe

I felt that throbbing pain;

I felt that emptiness.

I miss our arguments;

Our conflicts;

Fathers' are first hero in daughter's life

But, my baba is rare;

He not proved himself our hero;

But, made us so strong that;

We can survive in any situation;

Treat them like a warrior;

Today, I only want to say;

Jazak- Allah Baba;

Miss You...

And know your prayers always shield me;

No matter if you are here or in Heaven....

The day when I lost my father...

Was the day I realized I adored him so much....

Affaf Sheikh©

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