Sweet Goodbyes

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It's ironic
When we found life's prominence because of someone
Then suddenly, it stolen from us
And we conclude circumstances as villain
We lost not only ourselves
but also the other half which made us alive.

But that doesn't mean we can't live.
The reason why we meet folks like them?
Because life desire for us to experience both the beauty and the perils of love.
There's lesson in itself.
To see how strong as a person we are
to make us more powerful
to make us more daring
To enlighten us.

Do not allow emotions lead us in imprisonment
Prisoner of our own thoughts which eventually drowning our mentality
We can always get hold of it.

People will leave you with pleasant memories,
but that doesn't guarantee that they will remain with you.
All you have to do is make it as your greatest lesson.
That nothing in this world is as permanent,
and that at least once in your life
You've met someone who adores you and treats you like you have inestimable worth

Perhaps I need to say my goodbyes to someone.
For whatever reason, our fondest memories will live on in the annals of time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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