out of your reach - iii

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(best to listen to this on loop because the song is kinda short and this chapter is pretty long)



Once you hopped off the steel, your feet came in contact with the rocky pavement the school rested on top on. There wasn't much to be seen. About a few feet away from you, you could make out the silhouette of the rugby field, its pitches standing ominously against the little moonlight that squeezed itself through the dark clouds above.

The ground you led on paved its way straightforward towards the school's entrance, the deafening presence of something bad stretching itself out like a fisherman's net. There hung a single lightbulb, its flickering light barely managing to keep itself alight before going slack every few seconds. Oh well, you internally sighed. Guess you'll have to make do with what you've got.

You strode on forward, making sure to utilise the other senses that weren't hindered by the darkness. What could you hear? The once melodious chirping of the crickets suddenly turned into grainy growls that stroke a flash of alarm inside your chest. The finger couldn't possibly have had that much of an impact, could it?

Frantically, you stretched your hand towards that singular lambent light and activated Day Bringer, the yellow glow naturally flowing towards your palm and taking it's form. This time shifting into a gleaming silver revolver. Its weight was soon recognised in your palm, and you gripped it with urgency. Whatever was out there was meant to harm you.

You whipped your arm out and shot straight in front of you on instinct, the loud burst of the gunfire slicing through the quiet night. A strangling noise was heard soon after and your eyes widened in surprise. Amidst the explosive sparks that had been sent out with the bullet, it revealed a rotting curse - about fourth or third grade - attempting to lunge at you before getting burst apart by the impact.

"Shit!" You yelled before retracting your hand carrying the weapon. Swerving your head around, you checked to see if there were any more them lingering around. Surprisingly, you were met with silence, you knew you could venture on in. Pushing down on the elongated doorknob, you swung open the entrance and stepped inside, the crushing pressure of cursed energy becoming more apparent.

To your left and right, there were hallways that stretched out to places, supposedly classrooms, that you couldn't make out thanks to the darkness. In front out the entrance were stairs that led to the upper floors, so you decided to follow that trail instead. There was no use in looking around; and the growling of the low-graded curses were only getting more apparent. You need to get find the finger and get out of there as fast as possible.

"Megumi?" You called out for the boy as you ambled up the many stairs, already feeling your legs burn at the sensation of working muscles. You really hated stairs.

"Hey Megumi, you there?" Still no reply. You assumed that he too must have been in the school, but was probably somewhere far away so that he couldn't hear you. Guess for now you'll have to survive on your own.

Reaching the first floor, you were greeted with nothing but the anticipating darkness once more. You scanned the surroundings and prayed no one was in there before running back towards the stair to climb another level, the air you breathed becoming harder and harder to take in by the second.

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