• Mei Ying

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༶ • ┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈ • ༶

Quiyan and Harry went to the
old park, hoping Dre would
come. Harry went to his own
friends and introduced the
shaggy Ash Blonde Hair.

“Guys this is Quiyan, new at
the Building” Harry said to
the couple of guys. Quiyan
shake hands to everyone.

“Mind if I play a bi—” Quiyan
cut him off and saying it's ok
to have fun with His own
friend and find something
can catch her interest.

Quiyan look around to find
something interesting and
saw a two old man playing
Table Tennis. Quiyan walk to
wards them and Watch them
to play since she love to play
this game to her gadgets.

“Hello. can i play one round?”
Quiyan ask, the two old man
look at her then Nod. a man
who's few step away from her
gave the Paddle. She thanks
and start to play.

At the First, The play was just
gentle then second turn to a
serious game like they are in
Table Tennis tournament.
Then Third turn in Tense play,
both of the Players play serious,
they just focused in the game
like they are only people in
the Park.

The Old man smack the Ball
towards to Quiyan, One last
Hit with full of Power, the
Old man unsuccesfully hit
the Ball means Quiyan wins.

Quiyan had Victory Smile, the
Old man who gave the Paddle
to Quiyan gave her a thumbs
up which Quiyan Respond.

“Thanks for letting me play”
Quiyan said to the two old
man then bow and bid a
goodbye. She looks at the
basket ball court and saw
Harry Still playing with his
friends and Dre isnt there

She look around and saw Dre, wondering and looking around.
She walks up to him and say
Hi “Hi Dre! You made it”
Quiyan said Happily and
called Harry to say Dre is in
the Park.

“Harry! He's Here!” Quiyan
called for her blonde Friend
who Jogs towards them with

“Hey Man, you made it. Wel
come” Harry said and greet
him in Cool way “Thanks”
Dre Said. “How's your play
with that Old Man? I've see
you playing with him” Harry
said look at Quiyan.

“It's Fine, I manage to defeat
him and i must he's pretty
goot at it” Qiuyan replied
and Harry Nod before look
ing at Dre.

“You play right? C'mon”Harry
invite Dre to play Basket Ball,
and Dre accept it. Harry also
introduced Dre to his friends
and start to play basket ball
with Dre.

Since Quiyan didnt play basket
ball she decide to sit im bench
with Girl who's playing Violin.
Quiyan Approached the Girl
and Stand infront of the Girl,

“Hi! Do you mind if i sit here?”
Quiyan Asked, the girl look at
her and took of her Earphones
“Sure, I dont mind” the girl
said and scoot a bit to give
Quiyan Space.

“My name is Quiyan, Yours?”
Quiyan asked the girl, smiling.
the girl look at her with soft
Shy smile “Meiying, My name
is Meiying” The girl name Mei
Ying Replied to her.

Quiyan Nodded and heard the
Music which she immediately
Ask“You love Bach?” Quiyan
ask causing the girl look at
her with Surprise expression
then Nod.

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