chapter nine

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As the helicopter door swings open, you are greeted by the faces of your friends who you had only just seen moments before.
They looked different now though. There definitely weren't as many people as you had begun your journey with and everyone in the rig looked worse than before.
Newt's hands coiled around your hips and boosted you up and onto the floor of the helicopter.
You clambered in, avoiding eye contact with everyone and slouched down beside Frypan.
He was staring blankly out the window, gripping a strap overhead.
When he felt you beside him he opened up his arm and allowed you to lean against his body.
He was the only person here you knew genuinely cared about Gally and it just felt right to bury your head in his comfy embrace.
Newt climbed in and sat across from you, watching you with a saddened look on his face.
"i'm sorry" he mouthed across from you.
You wanted to speak back but suddenly you felt very tired and your eyes became heavy.
Frypan noticed and adjusted so you would be more comfortable, sinking deeply into his hug.
For the first time since you left the glade, you felt safe.

- - -
Newt watched you as you slept across from him. "She's gonna be okay Newt" Frypan whispered from above you.
He had seen the worry in Newt's eyes for the entire flight.
"I should have helped him" he said slowly. "I just couldn't, he tried to kill her Fry".
His voice was shaky and he fiddled with his hands.
"She knows you care Newt" Frypan said after a few minutes of silence. "she lost him twice today, she's just gonna need time".
He looked down at your chest rising and falling as you slept. "don't give up on her thought " Minho chipped in from beside Newt, his hand making its way to Newt's shoulder, squeezing slightly. "you two shanks deserve each other"

Newt cracked a small smile as Minho spoke and looked down at you peacefully sleeping. "You know I told her I love her today Fry.." he whispered, toying with the leather cuff on his wrist. "and she said it back"
Frypans face lit up. "You did?" he answered, trying to hide the little bit of excitement in his voice. "He did, I heard it myself" Minho pitched in. "Good thing I got there when I did" he joked, elbowing Newt.
Newt smiled and scooted towards you, running his hand along the side of your face.
You shifted slightly and smiled gently, without waking up.
"I really meant it Fry" he whispered.
- - -

"We gotta go boys!" a soldier shouted.
You had rolled off of Frypan in your sleep and your head was now rested on a backpack beside him.
"Everyone out now!" another shouted.
Frypan hopped out of the rig and shook you gently. "y/n let's go" he yelled over the sound of the chopper.
Your eyes creaked open and you sat up.
"We gotta go y/n" he repeated. You tiredly nodded and he slid you off the ledge quickly.
"Come on" he yelled as he dragged your hand towards a large glowing building.
There were thousands of soldiers around you  guarding the front of the it, firing gunshots in every angle.
"CRANKS" one of them yelled.

Snarling beasts came from the dunes and were getting shot at repetively. You closed your eyes at every shot and let Frypan guide you through the sand. 
You flinched as a hand gripped your arm.
"You alright?" Thomas' familiar voice spoke. You nodded with your eyes shut tightly and continued to run.

Soon, you had made your way into the building and the door slammed shut behind you.
"Jesus" Minho yelled. He was staring in front of him and you followed his gaze, thousands of people you had never seen before hurried in front of you, doing jobs and taking notes.
Reality suddenly hit you.
You weren't in the glade anymore, Jeff had died in front of you and Gally had just had a spear sent through his chest.
You felt your heart beat become quicker.
"Where's Newt?" you asked out loud the group.
You couldn't seem to look around, you thought if you did you would get dizzy and pass out.
"I'm right here" his voice boomed, pushing through the group to get you.
"I'm right here"
His hands placed themselves on both sides of your face and he angled you so you were locking eyes with him.
"You okay?" he asked, scanning your face. You nodded with a soft smile.
You instantly felt safe when he was with you and almost forgot about what had happened a meer couple hours ago.
He smiled back at you and pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Alright kids" an unfamiliar voice yelled.
"Let's get you settled"
You peaked your head out from under Newts arm and saw a older looking man gripping a clipboard.
"Can you tell me your names?" he asked, peering down at the board and not looking up at you.
The group stayed silent and the man tapped his large steel toed boots on the ground.
"Where are we?" Minho asked the man.
He cocked his head up and revealed a sour looking face.
"Well you're at a safe haven obviously" he snapped.
You exchanged looks with a few of the guys before turning back to the man.
"I'm sorry, safe haven?" you asked.
He shot you a dirty look as if  you were the stupidest thing he had ever laid eyes on.
"Why yes little one" he croaked. "I'm Jansen, and this is the safe haven. I just saved you from W.C.K.D"
He let out a evil looking grin after he spoke and you felt your stomach flip.
"Follow me now, we will get you situated" he pranced away and held his head high like some sort of king would.
"Do we follow him..?" Chuck whispered to you.
"Might as well" Teresa responded, gripping Chucks hand and walking after Jansen.
Chuck shot a worried look back at you as Teresa dragged him away.
"Alright then let's go" Thomas agreed, and the group followed slowly behind him.

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