Do I Know You? (Pt 1)

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My eyes glazed over the hot, sweaty bodies that danced in the middle of the club as I neared my glass of cold coke to my lips. I took a small sip and relished the feeling of the cold beverage sliding down my throat. Ah there's nothing like a cold drink to cool your thirst.

Speaking of thirst, I eyed the man a few feet away from me, dancing his body around. He's moving his whole body to the beat and creating movements that I didn't know you could do with your body. i giggled when he almost punched a guy with his hands. i can't hear what's happening but from what I can see the other guy wasn't in the slightest bit nice and forgiving and Mr. Dancer is full on embarrassed and cowering. 

I figured it was time to step in when I saw the other guy ready to hit him. I downed my drink, slamming the glass in the process because why not, and made my way to them. 

The first thing that I noticed when I was near them was the way the other people were catching on with the argument and quickly escalating to a fight. Some of the onlookers started dragging their drunk ass friends off the dancing floor and to their respective booths or tables. The angry guy's friends were also there trying to, unsuccessfully, console their friend. 

"You little shit!" I heard him shout before swinging his closed fist to the poor guy. 

I hurried and caught his hand before he could reach cutie's face. "I'm sorry sir but I have to ask you to leave." I said while smiling politely, "What the fuck!" He hollered, his spit flying everywhere. I tried my best not to gag while I feel his disgusting germs on my skin, not to mention the smell of his breath. This is one of the reasons why I hate alcohol, people become irrational and they have horrendous breaths. 

"Please, leave." I said before letting go of his hand and taking out my handkerchief. "You have caused a commotion that is unacceptable." I watched as he fumed and spewed curses at me before I caught sight of our bouncer that was most likely called by one of my employees. 

"You fucker! Who do you think you are!" the same man shouted while his friends are pulling him away. I swear, the bouncer could not move any slower. "I am the son of Michael Douglas! I demand to see the owner!" I lifted one eyebrow at him. 

I know Micheal Douglas, he and I are good friends and he did talk to me about his troublesome son that I had yet to meet. Most of the time that we meet we talk about business and the possibility of him being gay or at least bi. He once talked to me about him catching his wife cheating with a business partner a few years ago and he's been taking evidence to use when he finally files for divorce. 

Finally, my bouncers arrived on the scene with two of my best waiters. Kim, one of my bouncers, grasped Michael's son and placed him over his shoulder before walking out of the club. His friends were left gaping at the scene. I mean it's not everyday you see a 6 feet 5 human with pure muscles, looking like they live in the gym, carry a 5 feet something person with a lean body out of an establishment in fury and embarrassment. 

Taylor, the other bouncer, ushered the man's friends out of the club while Kyle and Lyle pacified the crowd and gave them complimentary drinks because of the commotion.

I smiled at how my workers handled everything else but we do have talk about their response time from before. A guard should have been eyeing the situation before punches were thrown. 

I turned around and saw the beauty still looking at me with an unreadable expression. He looks like he's about to cry and run at the same time. He noticed me looking at him and I swear I saw his face turn pink in just a millisecond. I smiled and placed my hand over his shoulder. I felt him shiver and I swear I almost licked my lips. 

"Please come with me." I said and ushered him to the direction of the bar. "I'm sorry about what happened a while ago. Please sit down and rest for a while." I helped him sit on the stool before taking a seat myself. 

I flagged Marty, the bartender, for 2 glasses before looking back at him. "I'm Lane." I said while lifting my hand. I saw him stare at my hand before placing his on mine. "R-Ryler." He muttered. He was still blushing but he wasn't making an eye contact with me. 'Cute' I thought. 

"U-um c-could you please let go." Stuttering, how adorable. I gave a wide smile before bringing his hands closer to my lips and placing a soft kiss on his knuckles. Wow, I did not know that a person could turn brighter pink. 

He quickly snatched his hand back, cradling it to his chest. I watched while crossing my hands in front of me.

My attention was removed when I heard the clinking of glasses on top of the bar. I turned my head and I saw Marty placing 2 glasses of coke in front of us. "Thank you." I said before getting one of the glasses and taking a sip. "Here." I handed him the other glass. "Don't worry it's just coke." I assured him, taking another sip from mine. 

I saw him eye the glass before taking a tentative sip. I gave him a smile when he glanced at me and then proceeded to drink at least half of the glass. I took a big gulp and then placed my glass on the counter. 

"So tell me," I faced him and crossed my legs "What brings you here at the club?" I asked before leaning on the counter and placing my head over my hand. I watched him pout and have a plethora of faces before he started speaking. 

"I was originally hanging out with my friends," He took another sip of the coke and then looked at our surroundings. "They dragged me here because our finals were already over and it was 'time to party' as they said." I loved his expression when he quoted his friends. "They even had the audacity to raid my dorm and go through my closet for 'appropriate' clothes." 

He purses his lips and huffs. I looked around trying to look for these friends that he speaks of but it seems like they're not to be found. "And then?" I prodded like the asshole I am. "And then the moment that we stepped inside the club they just left me to fend for myself!" He exclaimed and then slammed his glass on the counter. I'm pretty sure I heard the glass crack but no matter it's not like I can't replace those. What I don't want to happen though is him getting wounded in my care. I don't want to tarnish his smooth skin with an unnecessary scar. 

It took him a while before he calmed down and just drank his coke, during this time Marty told me that it was about 1 am and very soon they're going to start cleaning up. At the mention of this I surveyed the whole floor and noticed that the people did start to leave now. Most of the patrons are being dragged by their friends. 

When I looked back at Ryler, he was already slumped over the counter with his head over his crossed hands and eyes closed. I smiled and placed my hand over his head. He moved a little before going still, I can almost see imaginary cat ears flicking under my touch. "What a cute pet I can have." I muttered while caressing his head. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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