Starting a new beggining

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It's the day of her wedding day, she had been waiting for this day for a long time since she ever met this man. She loved him with all her heart and no one could change that. 'Mikasa come here so i can do your hair for you' Annie yelled at Mikasa, Mikasa stood up and held her dress up as she ran across the room to where Annie was, Annie brushed through Mikasa's long black locks. 'MIKASAAAA YOU FORGOT THE FLOWER CROWNNN'Armin said as he ran to her and put the crown on her head . Everyone stared at her in disbelief of how princess like she looked. Hange runs into the room with a pot of flowers in her hand 'MIKASA IS THAT YOU" she yelled as she ran towards Mikasa and while she was running she tripped and danced her head on the table 'Hange are you okay? Mikasa said in a calm voice as she picked up the flowers and smelt then 'wow Mikasa you care more about the flowers then you care about me' she said in sarcastic voice 'of course i do' smirked Mikasa';WHATTTTTTTT" 'I'm only joking' Hange stood up and helped Mikasa fix her dress ' now come on everyone is waiting

Erwin had to walk Mikasa down the aisle 'you look wonderful' Erwin said as he did a light kiss on Mikasa's forehead 'thank you' as she walked down the aisle she saw all her comrades and smiled at each , in the background Jean and Connie where playing the piano as she walked in and Sasha was stuffing her face as usual which made mikasa giggle. The sun shined on Mikasa's hair everyone stared at her she looked like an angle in that white dress and the flower crown . Historia was wiping her tears whilst Ymir comforted her.Then it happened Eren Jaeger turned around to see Mikasa the love of his life walk down the aisle , he tried to fight back his tears. As Mikasa got closer all she could think about was the night they met, the night she lost her parents but made a friend , a friend she would fall in love with and get married to a friend that she would care about more then her self a friend she would sacrifice her self for, she got closer and this time two doves flew in with the red scarf the ONE and only red scarf that brought those two together they dropped it on Mikasa's shoulders. Mikasa finished the aisle and the priest said 'Mikasa Ackerman do you take Eren Jaeger to be your lawfully wedded husband' ' i do' said mikasa . Before the priest could say anymore Eren wrapped Mikasa's scarf and said 'I do' and kissed Mikasa, everyone cheered and hugged the new couple.

There was a big party and everyone drank and laughed and the time came foe the new couples dance Eren picked up Mikasa in a bridal way and went to the dance floor, the waltzed the night away Eren whispered to Mikasa 'I love you so much' he said it in quite charming way which made Mikasa turn red 'I love you more...' the night ended in cheers and happiness and of course with Sasha still eating.

Living in the mountains with ErenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora