Final Chapter: Three

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They've been driving nonstop and he is grabbing Guave's waist tightly. The horse was much wider than the ones he used to ride with Dorian. He could feel his joints in his hips spread out wide, almost dislocating and still he couldn't reach the holsters of the saddle. Guave smells like horses and manure but somehow he got used to this smell from being in the stables so often to play and raise Kell. "Kell." He thinks and his heart aches. He still doesn't know if Kit and Kell survived. He just ran that night, ran like the wind. He ran for his life. Until he got found by Yuho. He looks to his side to the man that took him away into safety. The man smiles as he rides next to his pregnant husband. Camille doesn't know why, but somehow -besides being hated in the slave house- he is easily loved by all who meet him. They left the forest and are now in open fields. Camille can see small villages in the distance and recognises the rural area of Dorian's kingdom. His heart becomes lighter by the second. "Home..." He mumbles, surprised at how after being just 1 year in Dorian's kingdom, he already felt like this is where he belonged. In Dorian's kingdom, in his castle, in his bed and in his arms. Just thinking about Dorian's large hands stroking his pale body, admiring it , loving it, adoring it, fucking it. Camille blushes and his stomach grows with a longing.

Suddenly the air carries the smell of iron. There is a loud noise in the distance. Curiously he peeks from behind this huge back. He can see in the distance fires, smoke and people fighting. His stomach freezes over and feels like someone squeezed it. All the blood runs cold as he feels it's too late. He tenses his muscles and Guave notices, he screams a word and places his heels into his horse so the horse would run faster. He notices two men next to a horse in the distance, and also didn't like to drive with this frail looking small being into the battlefield so he rather first just leave this queen in the camp, away from the slaughter. He shouts a few words to the men beside him and they divert their course to already rush into battle, knowing their leader would follow soon after. Guave rides on towards the 2 men in the distance, hoping that they will be able to bring Camille away from the battlefield and into safety.


The moment Camille slid off the huge horse he ran into Dorian's arms, losing his stick crown. Tears streaming over their faces they held each other close and kissed. Guave nodded at Dorian and Dorian nodded back. "Hayah!" He shouts and takes off with his horse to join the men into battle. "My Love! I thought I would never see you again! You are alive. Thank the gods! I can't believe this!" The tears didn't stop streaming out of his eyes as he kept placing kisses into Camille's hair. Camille was trembling in his arms from emotion, also barely keeping it together. His love was back. Dorian couldn't take the overflow of feelings in his heart and body, it was completely shocking him throughout his whole body. It felt as if his skeleton wanted to jump out of his flesh suit, or his soul wanted to leave his body because it was already in heaven. He kept placing kisses before he realised his surroundings. "This isn't a good spot for you. Go to the pink tent in the middle of the camp there. I think with these extra troops we can definitely win. Wait for me there." But Camille gripped him tightly. "Love, I will return to you. For sure. Don't worry! Go, be safe." Camille kisses him fully on the mouth with a longing that he kept inside for at least a few weeks and nods. Dorian smiles one last time before jumping on his horse and riding back to battle. He looks behind him one more time and sees Camille retiring to the camp.


Camille opens the pink tent and sees a familiar copper hair. "Kit?" And just as he says his name, something next to Kit moves too and runs towards him. "Kell!" And the dog jumps with such force on him, he pushes Camille on the ground while almost crushing him with his weight, and licking every inch with his big tongue. Camille rubs his fingers in the long hairs of his neck and scratches behind his ears. Kit got up too while holding onto his chest that was bandaged. He moans tiredly and painfully when he moves. "Kit!" "Yeah, I'm still alive. I'm sorry your majesty that I left you to your devices like that." And he kneels. Camille immediately runs to him to help him back up. Kneeling in his condition would be terribly painful. "My friend! Are you okay? You are alive, thank god!" And Camille is almost crying. Feeling him cry about him, made Kit all warm inside and gave him strength. Also knowing that Camille is alive is all he prayed and longed for. He couldn't forgive himself if Camille would have died while he was supposed to be protecting Camille. "Seeing you like this made me think that I should go out in battle now." "No! You are in no condition to battle anyone. Just lay down and heal. I brought reinforcements, the battle is as good as won. Besides, I need you to protect me again." Kit nods and then shakes his head. "I will personally make sure that I bring king Dorian back to you." And he puts on his armor over his bandages. "Kit! I command you to stay here!" Kit looks hurt by hearing the one he loves be this strict to him. "I shall see to it that king Dorian comes back. I am after all a guard and owe him a lot too. I joined his guard knowing that this is part of the job. So I intend to keep my job going." And he walks out of the tent, leaving Kell and Camille behind.

Camille throws angrily something from the table to the exit flap of the tent, upset that Kit didn't listen to his command and went out anyway. But he was right about something. Camille was worried sick about Dorian out there too. Instead of looking onto a tortured loved one, he would go out and make sure that his loved one has ensured a happy life with the one he loved.


The enemy troops retract and there is a white cloth being held high. Dorian is panting and covered in blood. His men are all cheering and hugging each other. No matter which banner or race they were from, they were all unified in the victory. To be frank, the reinforcements of that lord and those wilds really was the breath of fresh air they needed on this hot summer day in the middle of the winter. Seeing these giants join the battle discouraged enemy troops in this big way that they gave up. Dorian laughs and the men are already retreating. Dorian finally lays eyes on Eaton. "Coward decided to show after all... but he used his men as a shield. Fucking coward." He mumbled between his teeth. Eaton seemed to be holding a scroll which was probably the treaty of surrender. Dorian sat up more straight in the saddle, ready to receive the admittance of defeat by the enemy. Thus being the first king to go to war in the beginning of his reign and bring honor to his country. This way would ensure that no kingdom surrounding his would attempt to invade him any time soon. He smirked and gloated. He turns around and notices someone from his side approaching too.

Eaton stopped right next to him. "I surrender myself to your mercy. You have proven to be more powerful than me. In this treaty I surrender not just my life but also my kingdom to you. I will be fine with a dethroning and banishment." Dorian grabs hold of the official documents and puts it in his saddle bag. "Camille is mine. Forever. We are married and he will reign beside me." "What a king, marrying a sexslave trained to pleasure me." He grumbles between his breaths. Dorian didn't care. He won, he expanded his kingdom with another kingdom and made a statement to anyone else that would attempt to test him in the future. He was happy that he had it all. Victory, his beautiful husband, his freedom, his kingdom, the love from the people... He is surprised at Kit that is in full speed coming towards him. "Kit, why are you out of bed? You aren't we-" But Kit ignores him completely and stands in the saddle to make more speed as he passes Dorian. Dorian can hear a whistling of an arrow coming towards him and hears the impact it has on something. But Dorian doesn't feel a thing. He turns around and sees Eaton holding a bow while Kit hangs half off his horse and drops off. Dorian slides swiftly off his horse and grabs his dagger that he has in his belt. He throws it at Eaton. "You piece of shit! COWARD, DIE!" And the dagger cut through the air making enough speed so Eaton couldn't dodge it. The blade pierced right into his forehead between his eyes and he dropped to the ground.

Dorian holds Kit, who is having his hands covered in blood, holding onto the arrow that hit him next to his heart on the other side in his chest. Dorian knows this is a wound he would not live to heal. It won't kill him instantly but very slowly. Kit can feel the warmth leave his body with his blood and he shivers by feeling cold. Dorian keeps holding him. "Y-your majesty..." "Kit... Why?" "I- I made a Camille, without him knowing. I promised that he would always be the first one for me. The only one. And that his happiness was the one thing I needed to be happy, even if it is in the arms of another. I couldn't wish for anyone else but you, my k-king to be that person... T-take care of him." And his breathing stocked and hiccuped. Dorian can feel his heart slow down as the blood leaks out more slowly. The snow around them is bright red from all the blood and Kit's blood was just making a fresher red spot. "Stttt my friend, don't speak, let's take you back." Kit scoffs a painful cough. "You and I both know this won't get better. So please... Tell him... Tell him..." And his eyes slide close when his last breath leaves his body raspingly before he turns limp into Dorian's arms. Dorian tries to hold back his tears and softly whispers: " He already knows, my friend. Thank you for loving him as much as I do." He gently lays Kit down in the red snow. He stands up and looks around him. The bodies are piled everywhere, the snow is red and brown from the mud underneath. Horses are still twitching and limbs still moving before the rigor mortis would set in. It saddens him immensely. He started his reign that promised to be a strong dynasty, but it started with a field of blood.

He sadly grabs his horse and gets on it. He rides back to the camp. In the morning they would come and collect bodies to give them a proper funeral. Even the corpses of the enemy. Except for Eaton's body. Dorian had different plans for that one. One last time he would allow the old, evil, sadistic Dorian to come out again. 

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