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Win finally open his eyes..... He blinked so many times because the light was hurting his eyes he squeezed his eyes to make everything clear....... As his vision gets clear his eyes roamed around the room where he was..... He tried to got up but his body was aching...... Still he manage and sat on the bed...... Suddenly he hear the door sound.... As he divert his eyes and he met Bright....... Bright didn't even waste any moment he hurriedly went to the bed side..... As he go there..... Win jumped on him ( not like the jump we did it's like a surprise moving) and hugged Bright.

They were not feeling awkward or anything but both of them inhale each other's scent and they feel relaxed. Bright slightly roamed his hands on Win's back and tried to calm him.... He knows Win needs someone to make him feel good...... Win buried his face on Bright's neck and silently sob. Bright was kind of shocked after hearing those little sob.... So he break the hug and see Win with teary eyes..... Bright's heart aches after seeing that beautiful boy crying.....

'What happened Win.... Why are you crying I am here..... '

'That one come again..... I am afraid '

'What come again tell me '

Bright and Sarawat both of them were angry about the fact that Win was crying for something both of them were restless..... To know what happened so they can take a step.

'Tell me Win..... I'll help you '
Bright grabbed Win's waist and put his head on his chest and ask him that while patting his head like a mother console his baby.

'When I went to the kitchen to bring water.... I saw our kitchen window was open.... I thought I forgot to shut it.... As I did it and turned around I saw that wolv..... It was in out kitchen and in front of me...... I was so shocked and at the same time I was afraid...... I wanted to shout but nothing came out from my mouth....... But suddenly I feel dizzy and I don't know what happened later...... One thing I remember I was feeling so hot... I thought maybe I am dying and I'll not open my eyes but luckily I did.... But I am afraid Bright...... '

Bright tightened the hug and make Win hide his face in his body..... Sarawat was feeling so damn angry right now he wanted to rip that Wolf's body with his canines..... He wanted to kill it for sure..... But one thing he doesn't understand why that one is chasing Win...... Is that have any intention to kill Win..... That thought really triggers Sarawat and he let out a growl........

On the other hand Win suddenly started to pant again..... Bright feel his skin is going to burn..... So he looked at Win's face which was hiding in his chest and he sense the fact......

'Win.... Can you hear me..... '

'Bright.... I am feeling hot again.... '

'Win...... Win...... '

Bright and Henry somehow managed to calm Win down...... It was the pack doctor who helped them actually. As the situation was getting out of hand Bright called his father and he came with a doctor..... That time Bright have no other option but he undressed Win and open the air con..... As the doctor came he hide his body with a blanket.... But Win was not in the mood of taking it so he tried to remove it..... Bright got flustrated so he hug Win and lock his body...... Then the doctor gave him something and he suddenly felt asleep.

The doctor started to check Win thoroughly and he suddenly stopped and ask them to leave the room...... At first Bright and Sarawat growled but Henry manage to take him out from the room........ Bright was totally getting impatient.... He was walking here and there....... Then after some minutes the doctor came down stairs. Both of the father and son went to talk with doctor.

'So doctor how is he..... '

'He is okay leader...... But I have something to talk to you..... '

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