My story

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My name's y/n and I will tell you my life....

So it all started when I came up in a metal box,
It was scary
Anyway I was the first one to come up in the box and what I mean by that is every month the box comes up with a greenie, you see greenie is what we call people when they come up cause they can't remember their name.

Which brings me on to the next thing.
no one can remember anything about their past life (well accept from me but no one knows that accept from Alby and Minho which are my two closed friends)
Minho yo see was the third to come up in the box, his personality is..well....something along the lines of sassy, "perfect hair" and fast very fast.

Alby on the other hand was the second to come up in the box. I know albys personality of by heart, one word STRICT.

So ya know how I said that I was first then Alby then Minho. Well alby is the first in command even though I was supposed to be because I came up here first but I have anxiety and panic-attacks when I'm stressed or overwhelmed so when more people started to come up the box ably took the lead on leading the place if that makes sense. Anyway so ablys basically the boss so technically he tells ya something, ya do it.

Minho he's a runner, a runner well it's like a person who runs into the maze to try and find a way out. The maze is the place we are surrounded by, the doors open at 5:00am and close at 6:15pm

That leads me onto the next thing there are jobs ya want to survive and stay here ya gotta play the part. So the jobs are

1. Track-hoe/Gardener

Those are all I remember, I know I know I should know all the jobs but ya see I haven't got the best of memory.

Oh and you know how I said how alby took the lead on first in command, nobody knows that i was first up in the box just Minho and alby because I don't won't anybody to potty me saying it must of been hard to be alone for a month cause the truth is it was but I do not tell anyone that not even Minho and Alby, some secrets are supposed to be kept hidden.
*warning talks about rape*
So around 2 years ago when the 5th boy came up he wasn't even crying like the other 4 done, he looked a me suspiciously as soon as he got out the box. 2 weeks after he came up he kept giving me the same look when nobody was watching.

One day when I went in to the woods to just clear my head and he followed me and when a got to the tree a I go to all the time.

Suddenly he pinned me up against the tree and pushed my hands above my head so I couldn't get anywhere, he then crashed his lips on mine, I tried kicking and screaming for him to stop for a moment I thought it work when he stopped kissing me and went to my ear and whispered-shouted
"Be quiet!"

Using the advantage by me screaming he kissed me once more but way more harshly with his tongue, he stopped kissing me and went down to sucking my neck.

I moaned but not out of pleasure but because he got my sweat spot.
"See I new you would like it." I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.
After that he immediately took his trousers of before sliding up my skirt and sliding down my pants - see I know I could of escaped but I was in shock - he quickly took of his boxers and turned me around so my face was up against the tree.

As soon as he done that he pushed his dick in to my ass VERY hard and took it all away out again just to put in again he done that a couple of times before going really fast and really hard. All the time he was doing that I was silently crying in hopes he wouldn't hear me.
After 5 minutes he pulled his boxes up and turned me around to face him and saw I had tears running down my face and said with a laugh,
"Aww could little y/n not take my size."
And pulled up his trousers and left me stranded.

So after that story you will probably ask why I didn't tell anyone and here is the answer I couldn't bring my self to say it so u see you should probably know something about me is that I have trust Issues too so a part of me thought they wouldn't believe me if I told them, so for the first week after that happened I wore long-sleeves until I got a bag full of the girl stuff I needed like tampons, chocolate, nickers, bras and makeup I used the makeup to cover up the bruises I got.

2 months later and boy named frypan came up in the box looking terrified so I went down in the box to calm him down we talked for hours just sitting in the box the last of his memory before it went was that he thanked he liked cooking so he was a cooker in the glade.

Any way that's it for now bye oh and sorry for the rambling that's another thing ya should know about me I ramble sometimes BYEEEEE.


Untold secrets ||Newt x reader||T.M.RNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ