// Chapter Two //

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Late that night, Techno woke in a sweat. Shooting straight up the tall boy adjusted to his sight. With a sigh Techno uncovered himself and stood. He had eventually headed downstairs from his room in the attic, his crave for water ached his dry throat. 

Phil leaned against the kitchen counter, a soft sigh coming from the male. "What am I going to do with these boys.." The golden haired male murmured under his breath. 

Tommy had put up quite the fuss the remainder of the day after the incident with Techno. Phil was lucky to have even gotten The small blonde boy to sleep. Wilbur had mauled his father with concerned, yet curious questions about his eldest brother, only to earn no answer. eventually the tall-ish brunette threw himself to his studies.  Phil was absolutely exhausted from dealing with Tommy, thought he couldn't blame the boy- he was only six. He'd dealt with similar issues with Wilbur when he was young, but never Techno. Techno was always different, he was always quiet, calm, tidy, he moved too swiftly and graceful for anyone to be able to keep up. Phil absolutely admired Techno, although he was his son he looked up to Techno. He knew that he would go far, whether it'd be with fighting or not. 

A loud thud shook Phil from his thoughts, shooting his gaze towards the sound as he stood up straight. He heard a slight monotone whisper causing him to step forward cautiously, gripping the dagger on the side of his thigh. The light slowly revealing the familiar form of his eldest son. 

"Dad?..." Techno whispered as he rose his arm to block the light from his eyes. 

Phil sighed with relief, "It's just you..thank gods." The golden haired male hummed calmly as he pulled his hand away from the dagger. He watched his eldest son go over to a cabinet to grab a glass and fill it with water, practically chugging the water down. 

"What has you up at this time?" Phil asked, slightly cocking his head as he sat down on a kitchen chair. 

"I could ask you the same thing.." Techno spoke tiredly, clearing his throat soon after. He turned and set the class on the counter, leaning against the counter on his elbows he ran his fingers through his luscious pink hair that reached nearly past his waist. 

Phil slightly picked up on his sons actions. He could tell if Techno was stressed or not, mostly because he'd grown to know his son wasn't the type to talk about his feelings. "Bad dream?" Phil asked nosily. 

"Yeah..Let me guess Theseus kept you up?" Techno hummed and glanced up to look at his father. That was his nickname for Tomas. Techno had always thrown himself into his studies, Wilbur had followed suit. Techno had always hyper-fixated on Greek Mythology, always relating his youngest brother to Theseus.

Theseus was the Mythical King and founder-hero of Athens. His role in history has been called "a major cultural transition, like the making of new Olympia by Hercules." The myths surrounding Theseus created such an outlet to Techno. He saw his younger brother as a spoiled brat sometimes, yes. But truly he'd do anything for Tommy- even if it meant death apon him. 

"Yes, indeed he did, as usual. Now, tell me about your dream." Phil proceeded on curiously. 

"It was stupid, it was about the family.." Techno sighed and glanced down. 

"What about the family? You can rant to me about it Tech- I won't judge." Phil was now interested, his brows furrowed with curiosity.

"It all replayed in my mind, When mom died.. and i had to become sort of the boss, because you left.. in my dream you didn't stay, i had to raise those two on my own.." Techno sighed. "Todays been rough, Dad..life hasn't done me justice these days.." 

Phil had stood, quietly and quickly he brought his eldest son into a tight hug. "i know it's hard now.. but it'll get better, I'll be here forever. I promise you that techno.." Phil whispered.


  Word count : 682

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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