Chapter Two: Infinity to an End

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It turns out Stephen was right- a fight is brewing, and it would arrive a lot faster than either of you had thought. Over the next few days after he made his prediction, Stephen would grow more and more anxious. Then, the Hulk crashed through the roof of the Sanctum.

By now Wong had arrived, and he and Stephen are talking hurriedly between themselves. After Banner had explained everything Thanos had done- the slaughter of the Asgardians and even Loki himself- you had all realized pretty quickly that this would be the fight of your lives. Stephen had created a portal and nabbed Tony Stark from a nearby park. Now, the assembled group walks out into the street, staring at the delegates of Thanos. Stephen turns to you.

"Okay, don't take this personally, Y/N, but this is too dangerous for you." As he raises his hands and begins to open a portal, you back away. "Wait, what are you doing? You can't-" You never get to finish your sentence as Stephen causes the portal to appear beneath your feet, carrying you away to who knows where. The last thing you hear are a few words shouted after you- "I'm protecting you!" Tony turns to Strange, frowning. "Did you have a child? I didn't realize you had a child. Where'd she come from?" Strange doesn't even bother to look at him. "Those are strong words for someone who adopted the spider kid."

The fighting begins in earnest as the larger of the two delegates, one who looks more like a troll come to life, charges the group. Tony is distracted by Banner, who cannot turn into the Hulk. Ebony Maw, the pale alien, begins a new spell, one that takes all of Strange's concentration to divert. He is so focused on this new threat that he does not notice the large axe hurtling towards his head, or at least he doesn't until it disappears in a cloud of golden sparks.

Stephen turns to glare at you as you step out of a newly created portal. "I thought I trapped you in another dimension! You weren't supposed to come out until I got you myself!" You just grin at him, producing a tall staff out of pure magical energy that you use to skewer a lesser minion of Thanos' delegates. "I had a sling ring. You can't get rid of me that easily."

Unfortunately, despite the combined force of Tony Stark, Wong, Stephen, and yourself, Thanos' delegates are too difficult to face. Tony and Banner are diverted to the park, leaving you three sorcerers to handle Ebony Maw. Stephen orders you to go make sure Tony and Banner are alright, and for once, you follow his request.

It appears you showed up just in time, as you're just able to open up a portal separating the troll from his axe seconds before it hits the neck of Tony. While you take a second to brush the dust from your hands, you notice there's a new figure fighting alongside you, one in a red suit with a spider logo. "Who's he?" You ask, gesturing towards the newcomer.

Stark makes a sound somewhere in between a groan and a laugh. "That's the Spider-Kid." "Spider-Man!" The figure in the red suit responds, but you're distracted by another attack from Thanos' troll warrior. Spider-Man is directed away to follow Stephen, and you and Tony battle against the troll until Wong conjures up a portal to send him away for good.

Wong holds out his hand to you. "Come. We have to defend the Sanctums." You shake your head, feverishly pointing up at the ship floating above you in space. "Stephen's on that ship. I"m not letting him go." Wong takes a step closer to you. "Y/N, this isn't safe. Come with me." You grab hold of a chain around your neck, unclipping your sling ring from it and opening up a portal to the ship. "I'm sorry, but I have to save him." With that, you step through onto the alien vessel.

When you make your way onto the ship, it doesn't take long to find Stephen. All you have to do is follow the sound of muffled arguments coming from Tony and a teenage boy who appears to be about high school age. On second glance, he's wearing the Spider-Man suit. Spider-Man's a boy your age? You interrupt their heated conversation. "Okay, this is fun and all, but I'm not spending another second watching Stephen be tortured. Are we helping him or not?" Both turn to you, and Spider-Man is the first to speak up. "Actually, I might have a plan."

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