"We need volunteers."

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It was a normal day in the demigod realm, except for Atlantis. Mitch, the son of Poseidon and the king of the underworld had called some of his mates to go and discuss about something, humans, to be specific.

"We need to find some volunteers for this, who knows what the humans could do to Mitch or Inpu if they find out Mitch is the king of Atlantis and Inpu is the pharaoh of the underworld." Xylo, son of Hades, explained why Mitch and Inpu, son of Anubis, shouldn't go.

" I can agree with you, Xylo, but who would go then?" The daughter of Inari Okami, Momiji, asked the people there at the meeting. "I say let's make a camp announcement and see who volunteers for this task and risk with their memories being taken. I think that two people would be most fit for this dangerous task, so they'll remember each other." Xylo suggested to the group which they all agreed to.


"Attention all campers of Camp Oasis. We have a quest what would approximately take 5 to 10 years, depends on how easy it is to re-find the people volunteering. This quest is to know more about the realm below us aka the Minecraft realm. For this, we would need 2 volunteers."

Xylo and Inpu had gathered everyone in front of the portal of Atlantis and now Mitch, the king, was giving his speech, hopefully finding volunteers.

"Everyone, who doesn't want to volunteer, you may go and continue whatever you were doing." As Xylo said it, the whole crowd, except the Brypu children and Kaiba, son of Bastet, were gone. "Come on Atlassss"

Femi, the daughter of Inpu and Bryan, son of Aphrodite, was tugging on his brother Atlas' arm. "Femi, no." He reassured the girl. "Why?" Lotus, the third sibling, asked they're brother. "I want to volunteer." Atlas noted, followed by a wave of gasps from Inpu, Mitch, Femi, Lotus, Xylo, Momiji and Ricarro.

"Atlas, I won't let you go." Inpu walked over to his child, kneeling down at his height. "I always bring everyone's moods down with my depressive thoughts and stuff and besides, I want a bit of adventure and away from the fact that your going to kill us if you bring Brydad back!"

Atlas snapped at that moment, everyone who earlier gasped, now including Kaiba, gasped once again. Inpu let out a chuckle and started laughing a bit. "What is so funny?"

"Atlas, I'm trying to find a way to bring him back without killing you guys. You'll guys will be safe, but nothing is set in stone." Inpu reassured his son, giving him a gentle smile.

"Now, what about you, Kaiba?" Xylo looked over to the son of Bastet. As his ears twitched, he gave out a smirk. "Well, you see, Xylo, being all royalty and stuff all of the time is kind of boring, don't you think? Besides, I want a little bit of spice into my life aswell." The furry explained his actions and finished with crossing his hands and looking confidently at the son of Hades. Mitch nod and looked to the two.

"Then it is settled, we have our volunteers." He said, making Femi and Lotus worried. "Atlas, do you really have to go?!" Femi looked at her emo brother Atlas, who looked at her and placed his hand on Femi's shoulder.

"Sister, even if I am gone, I want you to stay strong for me, alright? I want you to feel happy and safe with Dadpu and Lotus and everyone else at the camp. I want you to feel alright, okay?" Atlas gently told his sister, giving a warm smile at the end.

"Y-You smiled?" Lotus was shocked at seeing their brother smile. "Of course, you thought that I couldn't smile, hm?" Atlas playfully smacked his brother after that, both giving out a chuckle. "Anyways, you guys will be leaving in about half an hour. Go pack your stuff and say your not last goodbyes." Xylo noted, giving a smile. The Brypu family and Kaiba left to go pack.

...25 minutes later...

"Alright, 5 more minutes till you two have to go through the portal, we're gonna set it up real quick, so about 5 minutes." Xylo said as he rushed over to the portal to start setting it to the human realm with Mitch helping him.

Atlas looked at his family, small tears coming to Lotus' and Femi's eyes while Inpu was giving a confident smile." So, I guess we will see each other in over 5 years now, huh?" Atlas asked his family, but no response was heard, only a big family hug. Atlas felt a warm essence on his back, but there was no one or nothing there. No one could see the dead family member hugging him.

Kaiba looked over to his servants. " Your grace, when will you come back?" Meri, one of his servants, bowed and asked the prince. Kaiba grabbed his chin gently and looked at him and Selma confidently, before smiling. "Don't call me that anymore, prince and princess."

Selma and Meri couldn't believe their ears. "What?! What do you mean, your grace?" Selma looked at her servant with shocked eyes. The Brypu families attention also got drawn towards it. Kaiba let out a small chuckle, followed by a confident smile.

"One of the reasons, why I want to go, is because the royal stuff is getting boring, don't you think? Besides, you guys have been good servants and I don't know who else to transfer the royalship to, so, miss prince and princess, I am giving it to you guys."

When Kaiba finished, he bowed in front of the new royalty, Inpu being shocked while the kids were amazed. "Okay you guys, the portal is ready. When you two go through this you will lose your memories of this world, but keep your special traits which means your wings and your ears plus tail. You'll most likely remember each other if you guys get in contact within a month, but if it goes over than that, you guys won't remember each other."

Mitch explained to the two who were going through the portal. They both nod. "Alright, time to go through. We'll miss you guys very much and wish you the best of luck." Xylo told them, but before the two walked towards the portal, Kaiba hugged the new royalties and Atlas got into another family hug.

The two walked towards the portal.

They waved goodbye to their friends and family who were there.

They stared at each other, nodding.

Atlas and Kaiba, walked through the portal.

Leaving their old life behind, they started a brand new one, lasting years, until they will be found again after years.


Thank you very much for reading this first chapter.
I have had this idea of writing this crossover story for a week or two now and I finally did it.
If you wish to, please leave a vote. You don't have to, but it would be appreciated.
You can check out my YouTube channel aswell, I post mostly OoO content now: .-Beelloon-.
Thank you and have a wonderful day! ❤️ 🏳️‍🌈

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