First Leson plan

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Disclaimer I do not own The Quintessential Quintuplets and there will be mild cursing.

Y/n POV: It was a normal day of school.   Boring as shit, the morning classes people asking for your notes cause they were too lazy to write their own and you happen to be the second smartest in your grade only behind your best friend Futaro  It's finally lunchtime, and I decided it would be better to get more serving practice before your next game then to eat lunch.   As I am about to walk into the gym, I see a new girl sitting next to Futaro it was weird to see someone who wanted to sit next to him and actually try to talk to him about something besides homework answers. I couldn't care less and moved on to serve in the gym, this would be my worst but also the best mistake I made as he fucked up and I somehow got into this mess.  

Futaro: "Y/n you got to help I messed up."

Y/n: (missed jump serve) "Can't it wait I just messed up because of you."

Futaro: "No it can't!" He was practically screaming at this point.

Y/n: "Fine but it better be important or I'm kicking your ass."

Futaro: (gulp) "Yes sir." He proceed to tell me how he got a tutoring job but he managed to piss off the girl he is supposed to tutor. That's when I facepalm and slightly yell.

Y/n: "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSE TO PISS OFF A GIRL NO MATTER WHAT YOU DUMBASS!" Yeah, the yelling was not slight at all. So what did I do well I left him to serve and locked the door on him. It was now afternoon classes and that's when I see Futaro's face look shocked I knew at that moment it was the girl he pissed.

Y/n: (whispering) "What did you say to her to get mad at you?"

Future: (whispering back) "I may have told her she'll get fat if she continues to eat like that."

Y/n (whispering) "you dumbass that is the one thing you don't tell a woman."

Future: "I know it just slipped out."

The bell rang and it was time to go to our next class I told him I would try to help him out but it was going to be hard.  Little did I know how soon I would be able to help him as a new student walks in.  I noticed immediately that it was the girl he pissed off just by the star pins and that bright red hair she had.  The teacher told her to introduce herself to the class.  She was then told to sit in between me and Futaro she gave him a death stare and then me a warm smile it was a nice feeling.  

Y/n: "Nice to meet you the names Y/n, L/n Y/n."

Itsuki: "Nice to meet you too, You already know my name but it's Itsuki, Nakano Itsuki."

Y/n: "I just want to say I'm sorry if my Friend Futaro (points to him) said anything disrespectful to you." trying to hopefully fix their already broken relationship thing.  

Itsuki: "He did and I won't forgive him."

Y/n: (in your mind) 'Fuck that didn't work.'

You decide to leave it alone and pay attention in class. I peeked over at Itsuki's notes and noticed they were all over the place so I asked her a question.  

Y/n: "Do you want to copy my notes? I'm not saying they are bad but they could be better."

Before Itsuki answers, I show her my notebook, and her eyes go big seeing how much better they were compared to her.  

Itsuki: "Wouldn't that be a burden to you?"

Y/n: "Nope I'm used to it by now so go ahead." You smile to make her more comfortable take them

Itsuki: "Thank you very much I won't forget this." 

As I'm about to leave the school I notice Itsuki outside but for some reason, she has a green bow now.  Weird.  

Y/n: "Hey Nakano-San." She looks back at you confused about who you are and that gave you all the evidence you need they are twins. As you walk with Futaro to help him with studying you see three more Itsuki.  Never mind they are Quintuplets so telling them apart will be harder until you realized different accessories and hair colors so actually easier than most other identical siblings. As you and Futaro make it to the building one of them stops us

Nino: "What are you guys doing following us?"

Y/n: "We're your tutors."

Nino: "We are only supposed to have one."

Y/n: "You don't have to pay me just him." I point to Futaro who is getting impatient. He proceeds to run to the elevator but it closes so as a logical human he runs up the stairs to thirty levels. "Sorry about my smart but dumb friend. I'll be with you guys in a short bit." Just like that, I'm waiting for the elevator to arrive and I see all of them there just staring at him shocked. I break the awkwardness

Y/n: "So who's ready to study." They all went to their rooms and I thought to myself how fun this was going to be.

I hope you guys liked that leave some comments about what I could be better and I'll see you guys next week.

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