6- House tour

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I forgot to mention that it's a Friday when this is happening so they can stay up late without worrying about work the next day.

Also this is the second chapter of the day!

Dream leapt up in excitement and nervousness when he heard the doorbell ring 20 minutes before the guests were meant to arrive. He looked out of the window to see George standing at the door, waiting to be let in. He was playing with his hands while he stood wearing black jeans and a slightly oversized blue hoodie. His hair was a little wet from having had a shower right before he left which made Dream's mouth open slightly. Then the brunette reached out to the buzzer and Dream heard the doorbell ring again, interrupting him from his thoughts.

"Is some going to answer that?" Sapnap yelled from his and his boyfriend's bedroom.

"Sorry I'll get it" Dream called out with a shake in his voice.

Dream buzzed George in and waited at the apartment door to greet him.

In case you don't know, with an apartment there is the main door to get into the apartment building and then the door to get into the individual apartment. You have to have a key for both or be let into both. At least that's what I think but I might be wrong.

When they saw each other, suddenly all their nerves left as if they never had them in the first place. Dream gave his friend a quick hug and then led him inside.

"Sorry I'm early" He said to Dream.

"Don't worry it just means I can give you a tour of the place before the others get here."

"Yay I love house tours" The brunette giggled and clapped his hands lightly. Dream smiled at his excitement and then grabbed his arm, taking him to the small kitchen.

"Well this is the kitchen. It's small but none of us really cook so it doesn't get used much. We usually just get take outs"

George smiled and looked around a bit, not wanting to intrude too much.

"Speaking of take outs, what kind of pizza do you like?"

"Any. I'm not too fussy. Oh except for tropical. I hate pineapple on pizza."

"What? What's not to like about pineapple on pizza?" Dream protested playfully.

"It's disgusting! Fruit should not be aloud on pizza. It should be illegal" George joked who was now laughing.

They moved to the living room which was a lot bigger than the kitchen, with two cosy looking couches, an arm chair which was big enough to fit two people, a wooden coffee table and big TV mounted on the wall.

"Here's the living room which is where we'll be spending most of our time today"

George looked around in awe. When he saw the kitchen, he assumed the apartment would be small but this was definitely not small. Meanwhile Dream was watching Georges face, laughing internally at the surprised expression he was wearing.

They moved to the hallway and passed the bathroom to a closed door. Dream knocked on it and waited for a reply.

"Who is it?" Karl called out.

"Dream, who else?" It was a stupid question since Sapnap was in the room with him.

"Come in" Karl called back.

Dream opened the door to reveal a messy bedroom with a big bed in the middle. Karl was on the bed while Sapnap was getting changed.

"Oh my God why would you say they could come in? I'm getting changed!" Sapnap yelled and quickly ran into the walk in closet that they shared and closed the door making everyone laugh like crazy.

"It's not funny" Sapnap yelled from the closet although even he was laughing between words.

"Well that was Sapnap. You met him at the bar. That's Karl. I think I motioned him to you before." He motioned towards the boys on the bed.

George nodded and waved awkwardly.

"Alright I think we've seen enough of that" Dream chuckled after a moment and he took George by the arm again and brought him over to the end of the hall before standing beside another closed door.

"Yay have we got to your room?" George asked with a happy tone.

"Yeah. Are you ready?"

"Oh God you're making me nervous with all this build up Dream. It better be good."

Dream laughed before opening the door in a dramatic way while George gasped and looked around. There was a double bed in the centre of the room and a desk opposite it, against the other wall. His room was a lot tidier than the other two which made George smile even though he didn't really care about mess. There were shelves on almost all the walls with all sorts of trinkets, gadgets, books and pictures sat on top. Suddenly George didn't care if it seemed like he was intruding so he started looking around, curiously picking up some of the gadgets or pictures to get a better look. Dream followed close behind, looking over his shoulder and explaining what something was when George asked.

"What about this one?" Asked George, holding up a framed picture.

"That is me and my two sisters climbing a tree when we were little"

"That's you? You look so different!" George laughed at the chubby looking boy in the picture and then at Dream who was groaning at the embarrassment. The number one rule when you're inviting someone you want to impress to your house is hide the baby photos Dream internally told himself off.

Then the doorbell went off.

"Time to meet the other guests" Dream sighed. He was secretly enjoying the alone time with George.

~920 words~

I was going to do the whole movie night in one chapter but that would be so many words so I'll finish the movie night next time.


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