chapter 17

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What do they mean by Queen Ruby I thought Scarlet was the Queen of the skywings right now Eclipse thought "Queen Scarlet is dead and Ruby is are Queen" a skywing said "oh I only heard recently that Scarlet was the Queen of the skywings again" Eclipse replied "oh by the way I'm Pyro and who might you be" Pyro said "I'm Eclipse and it's nice to meet you" Eclipse replied I'm not sure what to say to a skywing because I have never met a skywing before and I don't want to insult him by accident Eclipse thought "are you shy" Pyro asked "no I just don't want to insult you by accident" Eclipse answered "Oh that's understandable because I have met dragons from other tribes that didn't want to insult my tribe by accident" Pyro said "me and my friend's came to see what it's like to live in the mountains" Eclipse said "who's your new friend Pyro and are you going to try and make them your mate" a skywing asked "Um I already have a mate and he came with me to see the sky kingdom" Eclipse said "I do not have a new mate Lava" Pyro replied "uh I--" Eclipse said "you are always annoying me" Pyro said "Hey you shouldn't just talk over someone else" Soul yelled at Pyro "what are you talking about" Pyro replied "You just talked right over her" Lava said "oh sorry" Pyro said "it's okay" Eclipse replied "that's my sister Lava and she is a pain in the wing" Pyro said "Hey" Lava said "I was saying that I already have a mate" Eclipse said "oh okay so I can't ask him if you two are mate's but what is your name" Lava said "I'm Eclipse" Eclipse answered "Okay I'll see you later because you are here to check out what it's like living here for maybe a day or two" Lava said once they were out of ear shot "a group of mudwing siblings are better than that" Eclipse said "yeah because they are a troop that has a leader so it's not chaos" Soul replied if I wanted to meet one dragon from every tribe I would still have to meet a seawing and a icewing but the icewings think that we stole their animus from them two thousand years ago but she didn't believe that her tribe stole their animus from them because maybe Prince Arctic wanted to go with the nightwings Eclipse thought "so what should we do now" Soul asked "how about we land and then figure it out" Eclipse replied "ok we well do that" Soul said and they flew over to a open area and landed "so do we have any ideas for what to do" Stargazer asked "I don't think so" Eclipse answered "yeah we don't" DeathBringer said "okay then let's think of something to do" Stargazer said and they all thought of stuff to do "how about we go and see if we can explore the castle" Stargazer asked "yeah let's do it" Eclipse answered and they took off and flew towards the palace "wow it looks amazing but why is there a arena" Soul said "I think its because Scarlet liked to watch arena battles" Eclipse answered "okay but I don't know why a dragon would like to watch dragons fight to the death" Stargazer said "me either" a skywing replied "hi I'm Eclipse and they are my friend's Soul Stargazer and DeathBringer" Eclipse said "well I'm Queen Ruby and it's good to meet you" Ruby replied "we came to see what it's like to live in the mountains of the sky kingdom" Eclipse said "well come with me and I can show you around the palace well I do some of my Queenly dudes" Ruby said "okay" Stargazer replied and they flew to the palace and landed in the entrance "wow the palace is so big" Eclipse said

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