Heart Over Mind

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Darkness filled the room,

where no light had shined

Over the years since It became ice cold.

It. I refuse to say the name

Afraid, it will only hurt me more.

Years after years, the kindness wared down

Leaving behind a rough stone surface.

Never again will I make the same mistake.

He took It then crushed it without a second thought.

How dare he throw It away. 

Fire burned in my eyes as I picked up a photo of him.

If only he could see the pain he gave me,

I placed a hand over It,

Whispering to myself to forget about him.

He deserves to die, and I plan to make sure of it.


Once I found where he lives,

I stalked him everyday and night.

He had no clue or was oblvious to me

Watching his every moves.

I managed to easily gain access to his home.

Stupid fool.

He should know better than to leave his windows unlocked.

I slowly picked up the butcher knife,

I so kindly borrowed from a friend.

Creeping up the stairs, I saw him.

Peacefully sleeping on his bed.

Looming over him, I brought the knife up.

Only in a matter of seconds will he be dead!

Just when I was about to bring the weapon down.

I stopped.

My mind kept convincing me to do it for the greater good.

Yet, on the other hand, It told me no.


I dropped the knife, hearing it clank against the floor.

I couldn't do it, I didn't have enough strength too.

I feel to my knees as they buckled underneath me.

Tears filled my eyes. 

How could I ever commit murder, and live with myself

Knowing I was the one who was behind it.


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