Day At The Beach

7 2 0

Large blue-green waves crash upon the shore

Receding back into the ocean. 

Seagulls flying around overhead

Clearly squawking and seen.

A blue, red and yellow ball

Jumps into the ocean.

Being pulled by the waves

Eventually reaching the shore.

A message in a bottle

Floats easily against the waves

Of the blue-green ocean.

Searching until it reaches an unknown destination.

The seagulls flap their wings

With little ease in the calm sky.

Flying around above the shore

Where little creatures roam.

Upon the shore

Crabs and snails

Move around, treading through

The grains of sand.

Deep beneath the grains of sand

Lay shells of creatures;

Ocean crustaceans.

Which die from too much heat.

Another wave crashes against the shore

Bringing with it a blue, yellow and red ball

As well as a message in a bottle that was semi buried in the sand.

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