give it to me

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I woke up feeling the dry tears on my round cheeks I push myself up on one arm and looked around the decent house before getting up and walking to sapnap bathroom and opening the the door with a turn of a golden knob the door swung open and I closed it behind me I pick up the clothes sapnap layed out for me not noticing the shower door open my clothes were gone I was naked  i jump and turned around to the noise I cant see in the room because of the mist like fog but I see a figure and it was way taller than me so I knew who the person was

"Dream?" The figure jumped back and the fog disappeared from dream moving around but quickly the fog revealed a very much naked dream he walked over to me and I slowly looked down and see his friend my eyes got big and he quickly snatched my chin up forcing me to take my gaze off his huge dick

"What did I say " he said with a low voice and stared me in the brown eyes

"T-" I was cut off by the naked man kissing my soft rose lips, I moaned into the kiss hearing slushy sounds has we softly kissed i was quick to close my mouth not wanting to give up so early but the kiss became brutal and unforgiving my body heated up feeling more and more weak, I felt weak and hopeless I let him in he took over and picked me up I rapped my legs around his waist and grabbed onto his shoulders he quickly grabbed my ass squeezing it has I looked at the hands playing with me has I moaned we let go of the kiss and I arched my back and turned my attention to the also panting male we locked eyes just staring at each other and I hoped he wouldn't stop I sadly moaned and layed my head on his neck he lowered me to his cock but stop right at my entrance

"Do you want to feel good~?" he seductively asked squeezing and play with my ass i whimpered rubbing my chest against his limply

"I wanna feel good I want it" the last part faded has I fell weak from the teasing

"Mmm I don't think you can take it~" he dropped me and went over for a towel grabbing it and rapping it around his waist going to the door

"Please...please" I didn't have the energy and he knew it turning the knob but turned around to face my lifeless body on the floor pleading for friction

He got down to my level and sat on the floor next to me but I was quick to grab his hard cock and lick it to get him in the mood

"Why did you really come here and also I don't have your name" he said petting my messy hair I let go and licked up the  side of his massive cock, he didn't look amused and kept petting me his body was slightly tilted so he could see my face he just sat there not willing to stop me but I stopped myself and sat up with my hands in the middle of my legs

"I-im george sorry about that I wanted to get things off my mind" I looked away from the man looking at me

"What kind of things " he put his mask on and studied me

"Well I- me and my mom are being abused but we well... I have been my whole life and my mom is.. gone now" I started crying "the only person willing to help me other than nick" I feel him grab my waist and pull me on his lap grabbing my lower back making me arch my back has he hugged me I rapped my arms around his chest hugging him like a sad child would a teddy bear

I cry into his chest has he hummed rubbing circles into my small arched back i loved how he would lesson not speak has I let out all my worries, I have yet to find more things to like about him, the sobbing slowed and stopped but I didn't want to let go and he knew that he also didn't want to let go but he got up still holding me and handed me the same clothes nick put in here and I gladly took them he let go of me and changed into his own clothes and once I was in clothes he picked me up bride Style and walked out the bathroom and into the kitchen to be greeted by nick

"H-oh what's going on here" nick questioned with a tease and clay gave him a glare before putting me on a barstool and walking over to the fridge



Sorry about the cliffhanger anyway dream was wearing a mahogany red turtle neck with black shorts and no shoes george was wearing a blackish gray t-shirt with sweatpants okie bye and...SEE YA ;3

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