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Full Lunar high (our schools name)
is a joint school of my pack and our neighboring pack, Lunar year pack. Weird name, right? But I like it...
Their alpha graduated three years ago, mated to a sweet girl named Allysa . They were the perfect couple, but sadly she died a year ago due to a sudden rogue attack on their pack. I've heard that the alpha turned ruthless and cold after the death of his mate and rarely leaves his office.

This is my last year in school and I'm planning on leaving the pack to pursue my career in the medical field. I've always looked up to the pack's healers and doctors. I just hope my father accepts my request to leave the pack they don't like you , they can't wait to get rid of you, you worthless ugly fatass .
These voices in my head are one of the reasons my confidence went downhill. Everybody, wether at school or the pack house has made me feel worthless, ugly and fat even though I can clearly see my ribs.
I was heading to my locker when someone bumped into me " oh so- watch where you're going fat ass"
A usual reaction every time someone bumps into me, wether it was from my pack or the neighboring pack. I'm bullied from both sides.

I ignore the insults thrown at me along the way to my first class English five more classes to go...

On my way to lunch , my first meal. I was starving through all my classes, I haven't eaten in 2 days due to the beating. I reach the lunch room before anyone does so I can grab my lunch and escape to the library.  "Hi darling" the serving lady greets me. She's one of the only people who treat me kindly in this school her name is Mary. She always hides me some food if I don't get to eat at lunch. I nod my head in respond because, you know I'm mute.I take a salad and a piece of bread with a can of water . I'm on a diet and my stomach can't handle that much food anyways.

I reach the library safely. I nod to the librarian and head to the medical section. The library is my favorite place in this school. Students barely enter it and I further my knowledge on science.
Time passes by without noticing until I feel a nudge on my shoulder " Honey , lunch time has finished, hurry up to your class"
Panic sets in.  I wasn't supposed to stay this late . I always leave before lunch ends so I don't meet anyone and they don't expose my safe place. I rush past the librarian frantically and head to cafeteria. Luckily everybody's in their classes so there's no obstacles along the way. I get a pass from Mary so I can enter my next class which is PE ugh sucks...
I go into the locker room and check if there's anyone in there because I don't need anymore body harassment. I quickly change into knee shorts and a T-shirt and head outside. The teachers are really kind to me considering they're from my pack, but who am I to complain. I show coach Sanders my pass "well hello there Emily, we're playing basketball. Head to the girls team and get into your position" I nod and run to the team . I stand there clueless as to what position I'm put in " you're in the center with me Black" the leader of our team Mellisa, finally tells me. I head into my position and get ready, let's hope it doesn't go so bad.

As soon as coach Sanders whistles , the ball is thrown upwards. I jump trying to catch before the opposing team could. I successfully catch and pass the ball to my teammates. Our team passes the ball swiftly so we could score "Black, catch it" I catch the ball in time and head to the basket and bingo I scored our first goal. A smile lights up my face immediately. I look back to my team, only to find them celebrating and cheering, ignoring me as if I didn't just score. I look down to hide the hurt look I had, even though I'm used to that. What you might be surprised about me, is that even though I suck at sports but basketball is my absolute favorite. Standing at 5'6 , my height is a major factor in my skills. My brother used to teach me how to play before all this shit started.

I'm so distracted that I didn't hear the whistle, and a ball hit me in the rib " wake up you absolute shit, we lost the ball"I jolt out of my bubble and focus on the game. The pushes of the boys, and the harsh ball thrown at me starts. That's why I hate PE. That's their chance to express their pent up anger through their day on me. I'm their personal punching bag after all.

The game ends by our team winning by two points. I watch them hugging each other, excluding me from their celebration as usual One more class to go...
I head to my last class hurriedly which is biology My favorite. It's the only class I have with my brother , not like he likes my presence that much. I sit in the first row to focus.
The bell rings and the students start to enter. My brother's gang enter last and take their seats two rows behind me So they could throw paper balls on my head.
Not five minutes has passed and the first paper ball hit my head. I pick it up and unfold it "worthless piece of shit, just die"
I honestly don't know why I even read them but I just do it. Maybe to let the words sink in further than they already did the past 7 years. The papers kept on coming the whole class. As soon as the bell rang, I sprang out of my seat, but it didn't take the gang that much time to catch up with me. I reached my locker and they all circled me, including my brother.
I tried my best to ignore their presence but I couldn't. I was trembling at this point because I knew it was coming. Thwaap... the first slap came . I looked at the person only to be met by familiar blue eyes my brother. I immediately realize my mistake by looking directly in his eyes and look down. But my actions didn't go unnoticed by him. He held the collar of my shirt " you fat ass bitch, you dare to look into my eyes, your ALPHA" I whimper looking further down.
"You'll realize your mistake ,mutt"
He punched me in the stomach and ribs and then threw me in the floor. The kicks kept on coming from everywhere. I felt my conscious fading away , but they suddenly stopped and left.
I mustered up all my strength and got my bloodied body up off the floor still have food to make...

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