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Robin silenced his alarm clock, rolling over with a sigh. Another Monday, another week taking care of Regina Mills while locked in a battle of wills with her.


He rubbed his eyes as he slipped out of his bed and padded into his bathroom. Robin turned on the water and shed his pajamas, stepping into the hot spray of his shower as he washed up for the day.

Feeling a little bit more alive, he wrapped a towel around himself and headed back to his room. He pulled out his familiar blue scrubs and clean boxers. Robin quickly dressed himself before pulling on clean socks and heading to his son's room to get Roland ready for the day.

He shook the lump in the middle of the bed that was his son. "Rise and shine, Roland. Time to get ready for school."

"No," Roland replied. "Wanna sleep."

Robin certainly understood his son's desire. There was nothing more he wanted to do but to crawl back into bed and sleep a few more hours. But he needed to go to work and Roland needed to go to school, so he had to tell his son to get up and get out of bed. A reluctant Roland did just that and Robin soon had him dressed for school.

After eating some breakfast, both Roland and Robin felt a bit better. Robin also poured coffee into his travel mug, knowing it would help get him ready to face Regina Mills. He helped Roland into his shoes and coat before doing the same. They got into the car and Robin began the short drive to Roland's preschool.

"Have a good day at school," Robin said, kissing Roland's cheek as he helped him down from his booster seat. "I'll see you at pick up."

"Okay, Papa," Roland replied, hugging him. "I love you."

Robin walked him up to the door and handed him to the staff member greeting all the children. With one last wave, he headed back to his car and took a long sip of coffee. He then put the car in drive and started the trek to Mifflin Street.

As always, Mary Margaret let him in with a welcoming smile. "Hi, Robin. How was your weekend?"

"It was good," he replied, entering the mayor's house. He started to take off his coat as he asked: "How is she today?"

"The usual," Mary Margaret said, taking his coat and hanging it up. "I don't think you'll have much trouble today."

He nodded, feeling some relief. "That's good. And how are you doing?"

She shrugged as she turned back to him. "I'm okay. I'll be happier when she's better – I think we all will be."

"I know she will be," he said, picking up his bag. He squared his shoulders. "Time to face the music."

Robin entered the kitchen and Henry looked up at him, smiling. "Hello, Mr. Locksley! how's Roland?"

"He's good," Robin said, smiling back at him. "Thank you for playing with him the other day. You certainly made an impression on him and he talked about you for the rest of the day."

Henry beamed. "He did?"

"Alright, Henry, it's time to go," Mary Margaret said. "Say goodbye to your mother and then get your shoes and coat on."

"Okay, Aunt Mary Margaret," he replied, gathering his dirty plate. He leaned over and kissed Regina's cheek. "Love you, Mom. Bye."

She smiled. "I love you too, sweetheart. Have a good day at school."

He left the kitchen, saying goodbye to Robin as he passed them. Robin smiled before turning back to Regina, who was now pointedly ignoring him. He sighed, approaching her. "How are you?" he asked.

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