Scene 3

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A few days later, he tied me up in red ribbons. He made me look like a present, tying bows around my chest and neck. I was barely covered by the silk strips. My breasts lifted together and spilled cleavage over the top of the biggest bow. The smallest bows were around my wrists and ankles.

In the mirror, I looked beautiful. The blood-red ribbons stood out against my skin. My hair fell perfectly around the ribbon I wore as a headband.

I twirled, letting the ribbons flutter. I felt as sexy as I looked. My reflection blew a kiss back to me.

Master watched from the doorway, a small smile showing a hint of teeth. "Do you like it?"

"I've never looked more inviting to unwrap," I said.

"Come, baby. My friend's birthday is today. You're the gift."

I flushed red enough to match my ribbons. This was a complete surprise. "Is ... who is it?"

"You'll see," he grinned, "This is a present for you, too." He took my hand. He led me to the living room, where a big box was waiting. It was decorated with birthday-themed wrapping paper.

I gave him a quizzical look.

"I thought it would be fun if you popped out, like a surprise stripper from a suspiciously large cake."

I laughed. "Okay, but you have to help me in."

"Not to worry, baby." He lifted the lid off and the sides fell into a large "x" shape.

I knelt in the center. "I'm the present," I declared.

"You're the present," he confirmed, securing the box around me. There were little air holes poked through the lid, like I was a puppy on christmas morning.

I giggled inside the box. "I am a gift."

He shushed me, "Baby, you'll ruin the surprise. She'll be here any minute."

As if on cue, she rang the doorbell.

Was this my handsome stranger, returning to make love to me? I shuddered in anticipation. I was already wet.

"Hey, stranger!" Master enthusiastically greeted whoever was here for me.

"What's up, dude?" a familiar voice responded.

My heart fluttered. I couldn't stop the manic grin from blossoming across my lips. It's her.

My Master was so kind and generous to me.

"My, what a suspiciously big box," she remarked. I could tell she was close to me.

"Happy birthday," he said. I could tell from his voice that he was exhilarated.

I was impatient for an obedient sex slave. I slowly lifted the lid on one side to peek out of my hiding place.

They stood shoulder to shoulder, watching the box. They wore matching amused expressions.

I slowly lowered the lid.

"Is it a puppy?" she asked.

"Oh, she's a dog, alright."

I giggled.

The lid-ceiling was plucked away. The sides of the box fell apart to reveal my half-naked body, kneeling obediently.

I looked up into her eyes. She was beautiful, like a goddess before me. Her chin tilted up as she regarded me.

I lowered my gaze, a blush brushing my cheeks. "Happy birthday," I said, shy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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