Chapter 1: April 13, 1912

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It was the morning after I attempted to jump off the back of the ship, only to be stopped by Thomas Andrews, after he saved me, I confessed everything that made me feel like I had no other choice. I don't even know why I did, but maybe it was cause I felt like I could trust Thomas. But shortly after, Lovejoy, who was My fiancee Cal's man servant, came to find me, and pulled me back to Cal.

I had just been walking on the deck getting some fresh air after breakfast when I heard Thomas Andrews approach me. "Miss. Dewitt Bukater?" I heard him say as he approached. I knew this was coming, He had been sending me concerned looks all through breakfast. I turned to look at him. "How many times must I ask you to call me Rose? It's considerably easier to say." Thomas said "Sorry... But If you wish for me to call you Rose, then I insist you call me Thomas." I smiled and said "That sounds very fair." He smiled once before he said "Are you alright?"

I shook my head and said "Honestly not too well at all..." Thomas sat us down on a bench, before saying "What did Mr. Hockley and your mother do?" He asked, causing me to sigh. I knew there was no point in hiding it from him. "He beat me to the point where I blacked out till morning... But I could like hear people talking, so I knew he and my mother had gotten a Dr. O'Laughlin, or a Dr. Simon..." I sighed, looking down to the deck. "But I don't remember which. I just remember waking up with a major like headache, and being very confused..." Thomas frowned, and said "Oh dear. That's not good... We need to get you out of there immediately...." I sighed and said "It's impossible." Thomas said "Not for me. Leave it to me, and I'll figure it out."

I said "Why would you do this for me?" Our eyes met for a moment, before he said "Because Even though I just met you, I think I've developed some deep feelings for you." I said "Me too... But if Cal ever found out..." "Miss. Rose! There you are!! Let's go! Cal is demanding your presence!" Lovejoy ordered, as he came over. "Yeah Yeah. I'm coming! Gosh!" I said, as I discretely rolled my eyes. Thomas said "Actually, I was gonna show her around, the ship, before the official tour tomorrow." Lovejoy said "Well it can wait! LET'S GO!" I looked helplessly to Thomas.

"I'll be fine..." I whispered before going with Lovejoy. Cal, was furious. "Where do you think you are doing?!" I shrunk back, fearful of my life. "I'm Leaving, and don't dare to stop me!" I said, annoyed, as I shoved past him, only to get knocked down. "OWW!!!" I cried, as he knocked me out. When I finally came around, I immediately ran to the on ship emergency section, but I was extremely dizzy. Finally I arrived and dropped to my knees. The Steward came over, and said "Can I help you?" I said "I... was just knocked out... by my ex-fiance. I ran here, but I feel really lightheaded and dizzy..." The man helped me to a bed, and said "What's your name?" I said "Call... Call Mr. Thomas Andrews... My names Rose." The man said "I have to inform your mother as well dear." "NO!" I shouted, causing Dr. Simpson to come in. "No, Don't call her mother. Just call Mr. Thomas Andrews. I treated her just Last night. She doesn't want her mother near her." He answered before examining me. "Alright, Sit tight, Miss. Dewitt..." "Just Rose." I stated. "I don't want to be tied to that name..." Dr. Simpson gave me a sympathetic smile. "alright. Well you rest now, and we'll get Mr. Andrews here soon." He turned to leave. "Look I just got a call saying Rose was here... Where is My daughter?!" I heard her voice. "I'm Sorry, Due to your abuse and that Mr. Hockley's abuse as well.. She passed on." I heard Dr. Simpson rap out quickly. "You don't know anything... Where is she?!" I felt tears in my eyes. "Look. I just spoke to her, and she confessed everything. So You need to leave and leave her alone. If you don't we will not hesitate to get The master at arms. Are we Clear?" "I'm going to see my daughter." I stepped out of bed and opened the curtain and said "No. You don't have a daughter. You never did. If you did treat me like a daughter you would care that I'm miserable, and Your just selling me to Hockley to keep your freaking perfect image, and life! If you cared I wouldn't feel like death is my only option! So your gonna leave me alone, or else I will have you arrested." Dr. Simpson said "Go on and get back in bed, Now Miss." I turned and obeyed.

"Ahh Mr. Andrews. She's right in there." Dr. Simpson said, pointing to my room, causing my mother to throw a hissy fit, as Thomas entered, and sat beside me on the bed. "Hey... What happened??" I sighed, as I struggled to say what happened. "You're gonna come stay with me in my cabin. A-36. I told Mr. Lightoller, and Mr. Lowe. They'll come around and keep an eye on you in between Duty, and I also told both Thomas King, and Henry Baily, the master at Arms's so they'll be on the look out too." "Thank you." After a few hours we were released to the cabin. 

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