Chapter 6

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And so the fight begined. All the heroes united for one cause, one enemy, multiple akumas. All the villains they had once defeated one by one were now together, they didn't only have to defeat them again, they had to stop all of them all at the same time. A task which was not only craving, but that sounded unrealistic in the ears of any sane person. It was the most blood-curdling, yearning and colossal battle they had ever faced. To call it chaos would be to underestimate the danger.

Master Fu was gone. Ladybug and Chat Noir were standing on their own two feet, backed up with every hero they have ever entrusted. And yet, it was still not enough. There was only one question that dared to meet Ladybugs thoughts in such a predominant time, and it was the cause of it all. Whose grief was so big that it could create such a massacre, so much power, so much destruction? This wasn't a fight caused by the loss of a feeling of honor, by some hurt feelings, a broken dream. For Hawkmouth to obtain this power his initial akumatization must have been caused by a pure feeling of hurt so deep that it consumed the insides of a heart belonging now to a lost soul, totally torn apart, a broken being eaten up by an unmistakable and agonizing sorrow. But if it wasn't Adrien, then who?

Cries in the distance, sounds of struggle, agony and pain, the ground shaking from explosions and hits, ceilings falling apart, buildings turning to dust. The overwhelming chaos filled every breath of the superheroes still standing. Everything was happening so fast that none of the heroes could lock their minds in anything else than what was happening just inches from their glare. Akumas were constantly getting released from enemies, liberating the prisoners of Howmouths influence, but there was still no ease.

And suddenly, the world went silent.

"It's you and me against the world m'lady. It always has been and it will always be", and with a last breath Chat Noir's soul left his weak body, slowly closing his broken eyes for one last time.

"No! Chat Noir! No! Please! Please! I beg you, don't leave me!" she yelled desperately moving his body in panic, trying in despair to wake him up. "I can't do this without you! I can't live another day without you by my side! I... I... I love you!" Her head hidden on his chest crying desperately. "He won't wake up, he won't wake up..."

His body was lifeless, pale and showing no sign of motion. Ladybug took his hand carefully, wishing desperately for any movement, He couldn't be... dead. The word sounded unreal, like if it originated from a dream, no, not a dream, a nightmare. The hand did not complain, it was now only pulled by nothing more than gravity. She looked at it closely and then went straight for his face. Cleaning it from the blood and taking away his beautiful blond shiny hair from his face. He looked so peaceful despite the circumstances. It was weird to think he was no longer there, that this body he once owned, which he used to tease her with and make her laugh, which was once warm and cozy when he took her with his arms when she was falling, when he hugged her, when they did the Pound it, was now a cold corpse who once belonged to someone. Someone happy, someone beautiful, her partner, her prince.

"I never said it back... I never said I loved you" she cried to herself in agony and desperation. With her finger she caressed his cheek, she never noticed what a radiant skin he had, it was smooth and soft. His hair was a golden blonde, she traced her fingers through it, silently, trapped in her thoughts.

"If only I had-"

Before she could say something she was interrupted by a high sound coming from his ring. In no more than a matter of seconds the mask that had once hidden his identity was gone, revealing the young boy who she so truly loved and who she had spent all those nights fighting the evil of the city with, her partner, her best friend, her prince... was Adrien Agreste.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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