Chapter 7

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In the morning Dominique returned to the bedroom, telling Jeanne gruffly that it was time for them to leave. Dominique looked sickly, undoubtedly caused by the lack of sleep she had received and whatever quantity of alcohol she had consumed when she stormed out. Jeanne didn't bring it up, collecting herself and following Dominique out without a word.

They descended the stairs and entered back out into the bar. No one else was present, Dominique clearly having chosen to leave at a time that would ensure they wouldn't cross paths with Chloé again. One of the tables had a number of bottles and glasses lying haphazardly on and around it and Jeanne wondered just how much Dominique had drank. Dominique didn't even glance at the mess, striding directly out the door.

When they were outside Jeanne found that Silverbay looked exactly the same as it had the previous day. The lighting was no different and it didn't seem to be any less active. It seemed not everyone followed the schedule of a normal day like Chloé.

"Well," Jeanne started, after a minute of silently walking alongside Dominique. "Am I being sent back to the brig when we return to your ship?"

"Yes," Dominique answered, not even looking at her.

"I refuse."

"You can't refuse," Dominique said brusquely. "You're lucky I'm compassionate enough to let you live. You have been nothing but trouble for me."

"Yesterday I saved your life from Gano. And Vanitas's too for that matter. Surely that means something?"

"You think I care about that pretty boy's life? If you'd left him to die it would have done me a favour. I eagerly await the day he draws his last breath and I no longer have to listen to his incessant blustering."

Jeanne laughed, hiding the sound behind her hand when Dominique turned her head to glare at her. "Sorry. I just thought you two got along really well."

"Us!?" Dominique squawked indignantly.

"Don't you? He is pretty irritating, but you look like you're having fun with him, even when you are riling each other up. When I saw you dancing together, I thought you might be a couple!"

"His decent looks are his only redeeming feature, and even those are easily eclipsed by a beauty such as yourself. As if I would ever be with a man like him! Jeanne, I thought I'd displayed that I have better taste than that."

"Back to flirting with me then?" Jeanne said, amused despite herself.

Dominique turned her face to the side, hiding the flush creeping up her face. "That slipped out. I forgot who you were for a moment. I always say these things to women." Muttering, she added to herself under her breath, "Maybe I'm still feeling the effects of the wine?"

"Dominique, before we return to sea, what was your goal in kidnapping me? Surely you understand that Teacher Ruthven can find another bride for Master Luca easily enough. Would you kidnap her too?"

"I'm not a fool!" Dominique snapped. "I understand that most of my interferences with the nobility make me little more than a nuisance. In this case all I'm doing is sending Ruthven a message: he can't do whatever he wants without fear. And, I suppose, I'm giving the grand duke an opportunity to slip ever so slightly from his grasp. He's unlikely to take it but maybe after this incident your Master Luca will think about choosing things for himself now that he has proof Ruthven isn't infallible."

"You're attempting to help Master Luca?" Jeanne gaped.

"Nothing quite so wholesome. I'm not really out to change anything, I just enjoy spiting Ruthven and the people like him. Any good that results from my actions is unexpected."

Only a Fool Defends Her Enemies (Domijeanne Pirate Au)Where stories live. Discover now