Awamomo : K-T (Part 2)

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K - Kids

          Yosetsu and Momo were good friends with each other, they don't interact a lot but they both are on good terms, always chatting each other on their phones and even talking in the halls during break time in school.

Although they were friends, Awase on the other hand wants he and Yaoyorozu to be something more.

You see, Awase is in love with Momo and he's always imagined what it's like if his life was spent with the most amazing girl he's ever met. He would be very happy.

He and Momo were sitting at a bench in the park one afternoon just hanging out with each other.

"Wow, this park is really empty." She spoke.

"I know right? Maybe some people already took their activities in the morning already." Yosetsu guessed.

The simple cool breeze was felt by the two as they just talked as always.

          As time went by and their conversation eventually ended at some point, Momo's eyes were now attracted by the sun that was setting right in front of them.

"The sun is so beautiful whenever it rises or sets. It's kind of like a person." She said softly.

Yosetsu looked at her, "What do you mean?"

"A person is always beautiful when they fall or rise. When they fall, they always feel like the world is unfair for them, but then they realize that they just have to rise. Their realization is what makes them beautiful and seeing them rise from the darkness makes them even more shine." Momo explained with a soft smile.

Awase was stunned by the simple yet deep words she used just to describe why a person was like the sun.

He was always amazed by what wise and beautiful things are in her mind.

I wish I could marry you, Yosetsu thought to himself.

Time skip...

          Years later have passed and Yosetsu was walking from the train station and was heading to his house where he will meet his parents.

He got a call from them saying that they need them there but it didn't seem like it was too important so he took his time.

After a while, he soon made it to his childhood home and knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing his mother.

"Sweetheart, you made it! How are you, son?" She asked.

"I'm good mom. Is everything okay with you and dad?"

"We're absolutely fine! We hope we didn't disturb you from any hero missions." She said in concern.

Yosetsu shook his head, "It's alright mom, I took the day off. Anyways, why did you want me to come here?"

"Oh right! Come on in."

His mother moved to ghe side a bit to make way for his son to enter the house.

          As he entered it, he soon finds his dad sitting with two girls. One seems like a woman who was in her business suit and the ither was a familiar friend if his which was none other than Momo Yaoyorozu.

Momo and Yosetsu work in different agencies yet they're very close to each other so that's why they almost see each other everyday when going to work.

"Hi Yosetsu!!" His dad smiled.

"Hi dad! Hi Momo, what are you doing here?" Awase asked her.

"Take a seat Yosetsu, we have quite a lot to talk about." The woman smiled.

Awamomo(Awase x Momo) A-Z Oneshots {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now