The twentieth chapter

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(If you are one of those people that thought this chapter was out for an hour ago then yes... I accidentally pressed the publish button... Don't be mad! I forgot I had to make art ;-; But here you will get a Colin reveal, lmao!)

(Alright! this is the 20th chapter I have published on this story! I feel so proud of the things I have achieved lately, though I still have a few problems with the cover of the story since I don't get any suggestions...)


Y/N pov.

When I realized that we had stopped the car I moved Alex upwards so he sits up against my side. I hear the door open on the other side that Alex is facing towards. It's Colin looking really worried over what has happened.

He looks... too worried for it being a guy he doesn't know about...

He grabs Alex's legs and nods towards me quickly making me realize what he wants me to do. I push Alex towards him so he could carry him and I step out of the car trying to run after Garcello who had already gotten to the front desc looking frantic.

"You gotta help us we have someone that might be in danger! We think he broke a lung or something!" He was frantically trying to tell the receptionist about the situation but they just seemed to be really scared.

I put my hand on his shoulders and I hear the doors swing open really fast and running footsteps. Colin came over, breathing really hard.

"He is super light and I don't think he has enough blood to survive unless he gets help immediately!" He tells the receptionist slowly but still clear enough for them to hear what he is saying.

"Alright, they will arrive shortly-" Right when they stopped talking the doors beside the counter opened quickly and some doctors came running in with a bed prepared. They took Alex from Colin's arms slowly and put him on the bed.

He walks with them out to the hallway while the bed is rolling out of the waiting room. I look over to Garcello who is sweating a lot and he almost looks like he is gonna faint from the panic!

I grab his shoulders and put him in one of the chairs. Sitting right next to him and rubbing his back. He was shaking really badly and his breathing was very dry...

I look around to see if they have a water dispenser and I'm lucky they do... 


It had gone a few hours and so far all that has happened is Colin walking back and forth on the floor where Alex should be. We asked if we could sit out here and we were told that it would take a while.

They told us that the lung can be healed and that he definitely lost his consciousness from the lack of air in his broken lung. They had to do some surgery just to make sure everything was going to be alright. 

"Colin, aren't you tired? It's been three hours..." I ask him. Garcello was sleeping on my shoulder and I don't mind that much.

"I... I don't know if I want to tell you..." He says not looking at me while talking but just stares into nothing.

We hear the door being opened to the hallway where the rooms were. 

"You can see how Alex is doing if you'd like? We are completely done for today!" A doctor tells us and then opens the door for us to go through. Colin is the first to walk through the door looking excited to see Alex?

When I walk through the door of the room that Alex is in Colin is already sitting beside him... 

Alex had a tube going through his chest and into some machine that I haven't seen before. His normal clothes weren't on but instead a robe with a hole where the tube was. His eyes were closed and were sitting in a wheelchair...

Promises ( Garcello x Reader ) [Being reworked to ao3]Where stories live. Discover now