3. Pause

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The mind that's been toiling,
And everything heavy, that's been going,
Stop, to take a long shower,
To finally sit under a cool bower,
To take a hotbath,
Or, rather add a sunbath,
Switch off your phone,
Eat a whole Pizza, all, and alone,
Light scented candles,
Yeet away tight boots and sandals,
Play your favourite emo songs,
Loudly, blatantly, sing along,
And let others scoff,
If you wanna take a day, or two, off,
Of the world, to stay in oblivion,
Just to dance, for probably, no reason,
And to deliberately, break a mirror or a chair,
To feel, the wet sand and fresh air,
Because it's okay to be not,
Okay, with having to pretend alot,
So sit, and cry, over someone,
Wheeze over a dad joke and a pun,
Sink in bed for long hours,
But then, go, buy yourself fragrant flowers,
Go for a long drive into the sunset,
Watch movies you haven't as yet,
Try on a trilby hat, or maybe a victorian outfit...?
Only, if you please to be it,
After all that you have had,
You deserve a pause,
Before you resume like that,
Hoping that, you'll like it like that.



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