Chapter Four: Chat

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22 BBY - 4 Months After Geonosis

Reno: Guys

Reno: Vod

Reno: Vod'ikas

Reno: Wake

Reno: Up

Reno: Now

Caro: Reno, it's 2:03 in the KRIFFING MORNING. What could you possibly want?

Delta: Shut up and go to sleep Reno

Acer: For the love of Mand'alor shut up Reno.

Sid: Shut up or the next time you're in my medbay, I won't help you.

Photo sent from Reno. Click to view.

Lightweight: Kriff. Did the General die?

Galle: Reno were you out of the barracks?

Reno: No. and yes. Bly was carrying her back to her quarters just now 😏

Caro: Copaani mishmure'cye, vod?

Reno: Acer you owe me 5 credits

Acer: Fine

Galle: why does Acer owe you 5 credits?

Reno: well the commander obviously likes the General

Galle: So?

Reno: Acer said he didn't. I said he did. We made a bet.

Acer: it was a stupid move.

Reno: not on my part. Look at how he's looking at her in this one.

Photo sent from Reno. Click to view.

Caro added Bly to the chat.

Delta: forget how he's looking at her. Look at her!! She's kriffing ripped!

Lightweight: 🥵

Sid: Lightweight, Bly's gonna kill you

Bly: Why am I going to kill Lightweight?

Bly: RENOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Sanitary duty for a week!

Bly: The rest of you- she is our GENERAL. Show some kriffing respect!

Bly: Caro thank you for adding me to this delightful conversation.

Caro: Of course, sir.

Bly: And for all of your information, neither General Secura or I could sleep so we did some sparring.

Reno: yeah... "sparring" 😂😏

Bly: Reno, congratulations on earning another week on sanitary duty.

Bly: Then I went to get a ration bar and when I came back she was asleep. I took her back to her room and left, di'kuts. Get your kriffing minds out of the gutter.

Bly: if anyone else texts again tonight, you'll be joining Reno on sanitary duty. 😊

Bly looked at the pictures Reno sent and smiled.

2 images saved to datapad photos.

"Copaani mishmure'cye, vod?" in Mando'a is "Are You looking for a smack in the face, mate?"

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