Winter Like Eyes

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Austin's P.OV

I tossed and turned in my bed, praying to god that my alarm wouldn't go off. The blankets were wrapped around me like I was a Christmas present ready to be opened on Christmas morning. Suddenly a loud beeping buzzed through my ears, rattling me from my dreamscape. I opened my eyes. A normal person would expect to see their bedroom, the window with the trees and the sunlight illuminating the room, but no. All I can see was darkness. Pitch black darkness. That's all I could ever see with these useless colorless eyes of mine. I felt around my side table, I finally felt the buzzing rectangular object. I hit the off button and carefully sat up. "Leo? Leo!" I called out as I turned to my side, my feet hanging inches away from the floor. I finally heard the familiar barking and scampering. The barking wasn't mad, it was a playfull happy bark, which planted soft smile on my face. I felt furry head below my hand, "hey boy!" I rubbed his head and her let out another playful bark. I heard him run across the room, and come running back handing me my jacket. "Thanks bud" I said with a soft smile and carefully and slowly stood up, while keeping a hand on Leo's head. I walked around feeling around my room, Leo I think by my side. I got to my door and opened it up, the balmy smell of pancakes seemed to sweep me off my feet. I placed a hand on the railings, which were placed all around the house the help guide me, and followed the smell to the kitchen. I knew I was there, once I heard the way the forks and knives hit the plates and seemed to dance on it. "Good morning Austin!" I heard my mother say as I made my way to the table, having my arms sligjtlt stretched out and touching familiar objects, until i finally felt the warm kitchen table, and carefully sat down on a chair "good morning mom" I replied. "How are your eyes?" I heard from my left, it must've been my older sister Carin "still broken.." I replied sounding with out emotion, though on the inside feeling completely shattered by the fact that people say such wonderful natural beauties there are in this earth, and yet, its like I have a wall blocking me from seeing it. "Here you go, pancakes" I heard my mother said as I felt her set a plate in front of me, the thick smell of pancakes, now inches away from me, I heard a small 'click' near me, now the pancakes mixed with the sweet maple scent. "Thanks mom! This smells delicious!" I said. "Your welcome honey" my mother replied with a sweet tone. "Here's your fork" I heard my father say as a cold small piece of metal was placed into my hand. "Thanks dad" I said as I gripped the fork a bit and started eating. I could hear many sounds as I chewed away my food. My sister beside my babbling about something to my mom, my father sipping his coffee, a small chirping near the window, the slight whsitle of the breeze as it brushed against my face, though interrupted by the sound of the sqeaky window closing.

After breakfast I spoke up "uh..mother..what does a smile look like..?" I asked, I didn't even know if she was there or not, but my question was answered "Well...why would you like to know sweetie?" She asked. "Because..a lot of people say I tend to smile a lot..but..I don't even know what a smile looks like..much less feels like.." I muttered the last part. "Cmon, I'll show you" my mother said. I felt a soft gentle hand grab mine, but gently and walk me to the living room I supposed, as when I sat down there was a soft cushion. I heard her foot steps go by and come back in a few seconds. "Here may not know what a smile looks likes..but this is what a smile feels like.." She gently got my hand and ran my hand across a board. It was the board a used as a baby to learm braille. She traced my hand on the dots, making one curve, then stopping. "That's what a smile feels like?" I asked. "Mhm" she said and traced my hand on her lips, making a curve. "You're smiling!" I exclaimed happily. She laughed a bit "you're smiling too" she giggled. I traced my lips, making a soft curve. That made me smiled even more. I hugged my mother feeling her arms wrap back around me.

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