Who is most likely to..

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So basically I will give you a scenario

Ex: Who is mostly likely to be a murder in a slasher flim.

And you give me a name
Ex: Snake jailbird, Bart, Etc.

Now lets began!

1. Who is most likely to run away from the pet store after teaching the parrots some swears words?

2. Who is most likely to die first in a zombie apocalypse?

3. Who is most likely to stay up all night making memes?

4. Who is most likely to be locked out of their own house?

5. Who is most likely to steal an inhaler?

6. Who is most likely to buy illegal fireworks?

7. Who is most likely to listen to Billie Eilish cry and call it "depression"?

8. Who is most likely to smoke near a gas station?

9. Who is most likely to end up in Hell?

10. Who is mostly likely to almost drown jn a kiddie pool?

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