5 Characters I despise

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Before I begin just to let you know these are my opinions.

I really don't mind if you love these characters I just don't find then that appealing also please dont attack me in the comments.

5. Sherri & Terri

I dislike these two as they are horrible people towards Lisa sometimes I want to punch them.

4. Luann

I hate her! She's just really annoying and a horrible mother towards Milhouse.

3. Shauna

I really never liked her she's a pedo and a cheater and I'm really confused why she isn't in jail for kissing a 10 year old.

2. Sideshow Bob

I just don't see the hype about Bob.
He's just extremely overrated.
I get it that he is the villain but there's more major villains like Burns and Fat Tony.
Like eariler if you like him I really don't mind I just don't like him as a character.

1. Helen Lovejoy

Like the other two I despise her, like Luann she's annoying and a horrible mother, if it wasn't for her Jessica could have been a better person.

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