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by Penelope Douglas





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"Former tennis player Easton Bradbury is trying to be the best teacher she can be, trying to reach her bored students and trying to forget her past. What brought her to this stage in her life isn't important. She can't let it be. But now one parent-teacher meeting may be her undoing...

Meeting Tyler Marek for the first time makes it easy for Easton to see why his son is having trouble in school. The man knows how to manage businesses and wealth, not a teenage boy. Or a young teacher, for that matter, though he tries to. And yet...there is something about him that draws Easton in—a hint of vulnerability, a flash of attraction, a spark that might burn.

Wanting him is taboo. Needing him is undeniable. And his long-awaited touch will weaken Easton's resolve—and reveal what should stay hidden..."



So, Easton and Tyler meet at this fancy party thing and they're about to go home and fuck, but then they get interrupted and Easton has to leave. Tyler promises, "...there will be nothing holding me back when we run into each other again." [gahdamn.]

And yea, about six months later, they meet again, but this time—wait for it—Easton is Tyler's son's teacher at a very fancy private school!

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