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"Lets run away."

The words lingered in my head. "What about my father?" I asked, the tears stopping as I pulled away from his tight embrace. "He won't find us. I won't let him." I saw hope sparkling in his eyes. "He'll send knights after us. It'll be a living hell." "If it means I'm with you I'll do anything" That sentence alone brought a smile to my face.



I let out an ear piercing scream as Natsu jumped from my bedroom, carrying me in his arms bridal style. As he landed, safely might I add, I smacked him on the shoulder. "I could've died you dumbass!" He laughed, "Stop being such a wuss. Besides, we gotta get going. You've attracted the attention of the guards." He grabbed my hand, pulling me along as we ran.
I felt so free.


This chapter was rather short minna, and that's because I am unfortunately announcing that...

'MY LITTLE DRAGON' is going on a break!

Gomen ne but I need time stirring up new ideas for the latest chapter and also I'm undergoing a lot of stress!

However, I am glad to know that people actually read my book! Arigatou for 281 reads!

^.^ Arigatou readers!

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