x-factor II.

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Balancing your sad mood, the weather was amazing. The sun shone brightly and the sky was the most beautiful shade of blue. Or maybe it was just the nearness of little Jade that made everything look a hundred times more beautiful.

You arrived to the nearest ice cream shop and you all bought your favourite flavours. Then, decided to go back and just relax on the grass and enjoy the sunshine. The whole way back you were imagining this programme alone with little Jadey and it made you concerned in many ways. 

"Girls, I'm so excited for the live show!" Leigh said, once you all sat down on the grass. 

"Also nervous." Perrie added.

"Yea, it's gonna be a hard one." your voice was rusty, because the last time you talked was when you ordered your ice cream. They all looked at you, a bit worried.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, though." that was the moment when you felt Jade's little hand on yours and it instantly made you melt. And become a bit relaxed.

After that the conversations were about everything and nothing. You stayed quiet, not knowing exactly what to add to the topics and you were also busy basically just staring at the tiny girl next to you. When your eyes met, you both blushed and looked away. But it didn't take too much time to get lost in her again.

Someone led the conversation back to the competition and asked you something, to involve you in the talk. "Hm?" you asked back, since you were paying zero attention.

"How's rehearsing going for you?" Jesy repeated herself. 

"Today wasn't my best day at it, but I guess I'm doing fine. Well, I hope I do..."

"Of course you do! Have you heard yourself?! You're so talented, I think you have real potential." you blushed at Leigh's compliment, but was quick to brush it off.

"You girls are the one's who have real potential. Look at yourselves! You're gorgeous, hardworking and adorable, I genuinely hope you'll win."

This little "fight" went on for a while, but ended with a good laugh. It wasn't the time to be nervous yet. Yet.

After a while you decided to go back to your rooms and relax for the rest of the day. Your roommate, Janet was already there, reading her book. She was a nice, adorable, supportive and talented girl and you called yourself lucky to be able to share a room with her.

"Hey y/n!"

"Hey, how was your day?"

"It was great, I'm proud of myself for all the improvements I've made today. How about yours?"

You were a little bit upset because you didn't move forward as much as she did and you couldn't tell the same but didn't feel like open up about it so you just brushed it off.

"Wasn't my best, but there's always a chance to become better."

"Of course there is."

Janet gave you a smile, which comforted you. You sat down on your bed and turned your phone on to watch some funny videos, in attempt to cheer you up a bit more.

Time passed by with dinner, showers and some alone-time. Janet then said she'd try to sleep, so you turned the lights off, but couldn't sleep yourself. You heard her little snores, so you grabbed your phone again, not being afraid of bothering her with its light anymore. There was no chance of you falling asleep anyway.

You just checked if you've got any new messages but there was none. When you wanted to close the app though, one appeared. From little Jadey.

"Hey, i saw you were online why aren't you sleeping? It's kinda late."

Jade Thirlwall imagines to wake your inner gayWhere stories live. Discover now