Chapter 1:The Departure

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Now that James has to off to college ,his and Jaimie's frienship has just basically discentegrated ,as though they it never existed .Their  childhood memories are locked away in a box and buried under a rosebush filled with thorns.As James stood in Jaimie's driveway ,hands full of suitcases and Jaimie's tearfilled eyes and heart in hand ,staring at each other . Breakthrough Jaimie's face began pouring with warm tears , James obviously ran towards her and comforted her. They stood there crying and hugging  for about fifteen minutes and the only reason they were forced to stop was because the taxi suddenly appeared , ,it was the one James had called for.It was a heartfelt, melancholy departure but it had to take place .As the bright, yellow cab sped away,Jaimie quickly wiped away her tears as she walked inside so that her family members especially her brother Mark won't bother her about why she was sobbing . As she walked inside, she went straight to the kitchen to get an apple  as quietly as possible and went to her room to look at her old pictures and memories .On her way to her room,her brother shouted from the sun room "Did your other half leave yet",where he was doing his homework .Jaimie just stormed off to her room,rolling her eyes and slammed the door .It only took six seconds for her mother to come barging in her room and demanding an explanation for her absurd and peculiar behaviour."Just leave me alone mom its hard enough without JJ (Jame's Nickname)" Jaimie exclaimed."Don't use that tone with me young lady ,now behave yourself and tell me wat is going on right this instant".her mother slowly,but sternly said."I'm so sorry mom but I just do not think I can survive without James for four whole years. Why does collage have to be for so many years?" Jaimie asked.

"Even though he is all the way in another country ,you guys still have the internet and those Social Media thingies to speak to him on so it's not like you've lost him forever or anything".her mother said."I know mom but it still feels like I'm empty on the inside".Jaimie said ."Don't you worry darling everything will be okay,now to make you feel a little better ,I'll make your favourite meal for lunch 'Lasagnia' "her mother said . "Um..... thanks mom but I think I'll just stay here and try to pull myself together". "Ok but you should probably try to get some work done when your comfortable sice school will be starting back next week."her mom said as she left quietly with and confused look upon her face.

It was Friday the 16th of September and Jaimie has been on a break for two weeks,during which she and and James were making a plan on how  they would be able to communicate with one another while they were apart. Jaimie's father told her that she should get back to focusing on keeping her scholarship at Treadwell so that they won't have to pay and he also told her to make sure that her grades stay on the honour role.

Saturday 17th September 

"Uggh!" ,"On the first day of school I have a Geography exam,teachers are just insane and ridiculous with the unecessary quizzes ,exams and handout worksheets"Jaimie mumbled to herself. "Woo Hoo  what a great way to start off the new school term" Jaimie sarcastically thought to herself . She was cramming so much Geography knowledge as she can handle , that afternoon.

When suddenly she heard her computer ringing and saw it blinking . When she walked over to her desk , she immediately began to scream and panic and become excited and then finally after about twenty seconds of her dramatic scene,she pressed the answer button . "Omg hi it feels like you've been gone for years now "Jaimie exclaimed . "Wow hi crazygirl it's only bee one weekend but I already miss you " James said ."I know right, so  how is your cousin Genesis? Did she help you unpack yet?"Jaimie asked . "She 's okay ,but shes just been over obsssessing over her new Dalmatian puppy "James said."Aww i'm sure she will get tired of him soon enough since he has to grow obviously"Jaimie replied "James ,come help me with Spot" came from the backround of James .

James' Life in Conneticut

He is living with his cousin Genesis in Conneticut ,she does not really see to asking him about his academics , she is just there to offer him a place to stay since he is going to University in the state which she lives in and she was very willing and open to letting him stay there since they never really grow up close to each other , them being cousins and all,he is wayy! more close with his Best Friend Jaimie as you may have realized in the beginning.First day of University is today Monday the 19th of September the same day that Jaimie has to go back to school since she has been on a two week break from school but she goes back out on the same day as University freshmen start .James is going to UCONN  and it is going to be a totally different experience for him since he is in a different country and he has to make friends but noone is going to be as close as he is with Jaimie .

JJ's First Day

He has Spanish as his first class and as soon as he he walks in his class since he is obviously late since noone is in the hallways so he has to hurry to class and when he arrives the only empty seat is in- between these two people , one red-headed girl named Sydney and a brunette dude to the right with some heavily-tinted glasses curled nervously towards the wall. Just as James sat down,,Sydney , who obviously did not look like she was even paying attention to the professor , turned and asked James  his name , after he replied "James" Sydney just blurted out " Oh! , Cool name . You should probably stick around with me though, you know because your new and all , by the way don't talk to the people I don't talk to,like that creep to your right or that loser teacher up front ". " But the teacher isn't that bad , she seems cool and normal "James utterd."For now "Sydney whispered strangely.

Hi People 




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