Chapter 4 : Second Thoughts

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Red hot  fury burned in Jaimie's heart because she really wanted to be president , as she stood on the floor of the gym staring fiercely at Kelsey , Anastasia walked over to her and whispered "Revenge ". Jaimie thought to herself for a few minutes and she honestly didn't  think holding grudges was the best thing to do , this obviously was the good girl conscience trying to talk her out of doing something that she may eventually regret. The new bad girl image didn't get her chance to speak yet and she knew that it wouldn't be pretty what she had to say . Jaimie thought about James and knew he would prefer her to do the right thing and deep down inside she would've prefered it as well , but she began feeling lonely and betrayed about how James left. " I don't think that is such a good idea Ana , I mean we should probably just forget about it ." Jaimie said . 

"Or maybe we shouldn't , she stole your golden spot , you have to make her pay , make her wish she never did it " Anastasia replied .

" Let it go , there is always next year " Jaimie exclaimed . 

"I thought you were one of us , you know what I don't have time for this , you're either with us ................ or against us ." Anastasia fired back.

" Welll I guess we better start going our seperate ways , because I'd rather be lonely than make wrong stupid decisions and face ridiculously harsh consequences " Jaimie firmly stated . 

"You're gonna wish you just didn't say that.' Anastasia replied as she viciously flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder and spinned around and strutted down the hall with the other cheetas following .

Jaimie just rolled her eyes and walked back to her seat confidently knowing she made the right choice, but yet a little dissapointed and embarassed in herself about how she initially reacted.When Jaimie arrived at home she was so bummed that she just wanted to go lay down and take a long nap .

Jamie was walking down the hall on her way to her room when she saw her brother Mark sitting at the computer . 

"You know how it feels when you know you did the right thing but you feel bad because you lost your so called friends ." She questioned Mark .

"No Jaimie I really don't know or care either ." Mark answered.

"Whatever , I don't even  know why I tried to talk to you about my problems."Jaime said .

" Yeah you think ." Mark replied .

Over at Anastasia 's house , she invited all of the Cheetas , well that really isn't something new , since they are always over at her house .

"Ok ladies so do any of you have any ideas on how we should get back at Kelsey and Jaimie ?" Ana asked the girls .

"But Ana , Jaimie only refused to get back at Kelsey , she never really did us anything actually." Tamia replied . 

" She made a choice to leave us , no one does that , I only kick people out of the group . Anyways , I don't have to answer to any of you for my actions . Now here is what we are going to do , I am going to text Jaimie and tell her that we are having a sleep over at my house and that she is the guest of honour (Ana giggled with herself as she plotted this wicked lie and prank ) and when she arrives you girls have to act like she never did anything to us " Ana explained .

" And , she never did anything" Makhaiyla said " We  have had a bit too much freedom of  speech in the judgement of my plans , Now listen I am in charge and if you are not in agreement with my rules , then you can just leave " Anastasia stated.

"As Tamia and Makhaiyla got up to leave Anastasia got up and said " Girls , wait , don't leave you can't leave  actually youre not allowed to ." Anastasia exclaimed .

"Why not ? we could do anything we want to do " they said in unison .

" If you walk out on this group then Kelsey and Jaimie's plan will also become your reality " Anastastia threatened sternly .

Tamia and Makhaiyla thought to theirselves for a while......................... , and they  knew that what Anastasia had planned was big and she was extremely serious and determined about this and if we betrayed her whatever she might do surely would be worse , so even though they felt sorry for Jaimie they also had to protect theirselves from Ana's wrath . 

"Look Ana we'll see to bare with you until this dumb prank thing is done and then we'll decide to stick around or not ." Tamia said feeling a bit ashamed . 

Anastasia was completely prepared to ruin Kelsey and Jaimie and everyone was pretty sure by now that they could'nt stop her no mater what .Her plot for Jaimie was set for tonight in disguise of a sleepover and Kelsey's prank will happen at school , she did'nt have all the details worked out as yet but she just wanted them to feel bad for what they did , eventhough everyone but her knew that neither Kelsy especially nor Jaimie did anything to Ana . 

"Ding Dong " went the doorbell at Anastasia's house 

It was Jaimie all packed and ready thinking that she was actually there for a sleepover .

Anastasia ran to the door holding the handle tight not opening the door quite yet until all of the Cheetas who were a part of the plan were at there stations , and once that was set Ana let go of the door slowly and said to Jaimie "Come in !" 

Jaimie slowly turned the knob and stepped in side and turn around to close it back and before she could turn around and greet anyone she looked up and saw a huge blue bucket of water coming crashing down , and as it hit her body she screamed because it was ice cold water , "splat" Makhaiyla threw the pie in Jaime's face, feeling guilty she quickly ran up the stairs sulking , Ana just stood behind a wall giggling as she watched the disoriented look on Jaimie's face , her giggles qickly turned to anger when she realized that Tamia had'nt thrown her pie as yet .

" UMM! Tamia why they hell are you hesitating , throw the stupiid pie already" Anastasia shouted 

" I can't  , I'm sorry Jaimie " Tamia said while she ran off after dropping the pie .

"If you want your dirty work done I guess you have to do it yourself " Ana said in a frustrated voice .

Jaimie just broke down in tears and ran out the door straight home , since she did'nt live that far away.

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