𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙳𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚜

19 1 0

Well that was interesting..' You thought as you strolled down the street to the bustling city, It was always busy in the mornings.

'They might be a problem though..' You Took a sharp turn off the sidewalk into an alleyway as the thought crossed your mind.

You counted the lines of the cracked and Aged bricks that made up the towering walls that most don't dare to go beyond.

As you walked for a while you came to a wooden door, Sturdy and Probably the one thing that looks the most out of place in the dark, rundown area.

"Finally, Who decided this was a good base anyway.." You spoke to yourself as you took out a Keychain.

You unlocked the door and stepped in, Quickly putting down everything in tow except for one of the few donut bags.

"Y/N YOU'RE BACK!" A loud and upbeat voice called from behind you, and you were well aware of what's next."

"Ye-" You started tiredly, Seeing you haven't finished your coffee.

But before you could finish you were tackled to the cold hardwood floors of the bar that you've called home for as long as you can remember.

DID YOU GET THEM!? DID YOU DID YOU?!" She questioned ecstaticly. She was a small blonde girl with hair styled into two messy buns on either side of her head, Along with bright yellow eyes that gleamed like a sun holding the intent to burn and cheeks lightly dusted with natural blush.

And she was like a bestfriend to you.

"Yes Toga, They're right here" You held up the donut bag, Still fresh and warm. She quickly grabbed it from your hand, Excitement radiating from her small figure.

"Oooh" She cooed at the bag "Smells good!"

"Good, Can you get off me now?" You questioned lowly, Pointing out the flaw in the situation.

"Woops!" She chuckled to herself a bit before lifting herself off of you and running over to the bar counter to unwrap the doughy treat.

You, On the other hand, Got up and went to finish your coffee, Which you were glad to find still warm and delicious.

"Ooh! Look, Look, It has blood in it!" She cooed from the other side of the bar.

"Sweet Red bean filling topped with Cherry Preserves, But call it what you want I suppose" You informed the girl questioning her sanity a bit and overall letting her imagination run wild.

"Sounds tasty!" As she said that she opened her mouth wide and quickly bit into the sweet treat, flashing both her fanged canines.

"Urgh..what the hell are you loud asses doin in here.." A low voice grumbled as they entered the room.

"Y/N BROUGHT MY DONUT!" She answered loudly, not aware of the rhetorical question. Holding up the round sweet.

"Uhuh.." He replied uninterested, Probably never had one before.

"Mornin' Dabi, Here, I got extras" You greeted as you threw him one of the donut bags, His caramel and bacon flavored.

He unwrapped the donut carefully, Still suspicious of what lies inside.

As he took a bite of the savory sweet as a tired bluenette walked in and stood beside him, Seemingly scratching as he just woke up.

Dabi chuckled lowly and greeted him. "Morning crust?" He questioned grinning at the boy as he took another bite of the donut.

"Don't test me..."The bluenette you all know as shigaraki and your supposed leader warned sulkily slightly raising his hand towards the black haired man and before walking towards the bar counter to take a seat.

The patchwork man playfully put his hands up in defense, though knowing he would be disintegrated without another thought if were to be.

You grabbed one of the three cups of coffee in the tray and walked over to s
Shigaraki, or as you call him, Shiggy.

"Mornin' Shiggy, Want some coffee? Kurogiri wanted one aswell but they only come in trays of four so we have extras."

"Sure.." He eyed the cup uneasily and eventually took it, Giving it an unsure sniff, And took a small sip.

He lowered the cup from his mouth and swallowed the hot drink after a small delay to really taste the flavor.

After a few seconds of silence, All three of you focused on him.

He slowly picked the cup of coffee up and lifted it to his lips again.

And began to chug the coffee as if his life depended on it.

"DAMMIT SHIGGY YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSE-" You tugged at the cup as he kept drinking, This man had a grip of steel.

Dabi almost dropped his donut as he began rolling on the floor laughing, if he still had tear ducts he'd be rolling in a puddle of them.

And Toga was in the back supporting this decision fully, Chanting the words "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" Repeatedly.

As this was going down kurogiri had walked into the room to see what the commotion was, grabbed his coffee using one of his warps, and simply turned away. He didn't have the energy capacity for this.

                         𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚗𝚍.

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