Not an update

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Hey, guys!
Sorry it's been so long since I have written in this story. Life has happened and I am writing other stories as well. I have a question for those who are still waiting on me to update: I have gotten into the habit of dividing my stories into chapters. Do you guys want me to go back and edit this story and decide it into chapters or leave it as it is and add to it as I feel?
Leave a comment or message me your opinions! I hope to be getting back into this story as well as posting new ones!

While you are waiting for an update check out these other works:

The Dragon Tattoo

Luna thought she was an ordinary girl. How wrong was she? Her family has been hiding a secret from her all her life; on her 18th birthday a tattoo will appear, a tattoo of a dragon. Her father was supposed to tell her what it means; he never got the chance. Her dad was killed in a car accident and her brother decided to go off the grid. Being lost and confused she stumbles through her last year of high school by herself. Her mom closed her out after her father died and her brother went off the grid.

Hogwarts University: A Modern Tale of Harry Potter

We all know J. K. Rowling's story of Harry Potter, but this one comes with a twist. Ron, Harry, and Hermoine and their friends aren't witches and wizards they are everyday college students. Journey into their modern day lives and see how they could live a muggles.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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