Dead Man's Party Part 3

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It wasn't long before we were finally landing on the roof of what somehow looked like a hotel. Jace started to draw a rune on my body.

"What that vamp tried to do to you back at the bar... it's called encanto. That was just the first step. It's kind of like what a cobra does to a mouse right before it strikes. Even though it didn't work on you I don't want to take any chances so this will keep you safe just in case you run into Mr. Fascinating again. Give me your arm." he says and I sigh

"I'm never gonna live that down, am I?" I ask and he stops drawing to look up at me

"Probably not. No." he smirks and I laugh before he draws another and I try to jump back in pain but his arm was too strong

"Ow! What is that?" I ask and he sighs

"This is for silence. The vamps won't hear us coming, but we can't disguise the scent of our blood from them. Once we enter the building through here, they'll know something's up. But if our plan works, we'll have time to find Simon." Jace says as he lets go of my arm and he starts walking forcing me to follow "The mundane world is all into vampires. I don't get it. They see everyone else as an animated sack of meat." Jace says and I chuckle

"Yeah, I certainly don't see the romance." I say and he smirks

"That's 'cause now you know it's all real. Still, you gotta hand it to them, though. They know how to frame a narrative." he says

"Well I mean when you've watched every episode of vampire diaries 20 times" I say and he stops walking to look over at me scrunching his face clearly confused

"You watch a show about a vampires diary?" he asks and I flick my wrist

"I swear you'd like it" I say and he rolls his eyes as he continues his stride "How will we find Simon?" I ask

"He'll be in the most secure room in the building. Trust me, we'll know it when we see it." he says and I feel my worry begin to build up in my body and it made me physically sick 

"What if they do an encanto on him? Will he turn into a vampire?" I ask and I watch as he turns to face me his face slightly softened as he looked at my no doubt, pale skin 

"No, you have to drink vampire blood for that. Even then, there's more to it. It's an overly involved process, if you ask me." he says trying to make light of the situation but I just shook my head 

"But I don't get it. What if a vampire bites him?" I ask and he sighs 

"They won't drain him right away. They like to take their time. Vampires are real gourmets." he replies and I shake my head feeling guilty at the fact Simon had been taken in the first place.

"He'll be terrified." I whisper and Jace looks over at me smiling 

"Actually, he'll feel kind of high, kind of like he's in love." He says as if it was some sort of prize but I felt my heart drop 

"With the one who bit him?" I ask and he nods 

"Yeah." he replies and I look down at the ground feeling sad. I knew what it was like to be in a relationship where you love someone so much even though you know they're awful for you 

"That's awful." I whisper and I watch Jaces face morph into confusion 

"It's awful?" he asks genuinely confused as he thins his lip, he seems to think about it for a second longer before he shrugs "Guess I wouldn't know." he states

"You've never been bitten?" I ask confused and I watch as his eyes snap to mine as he doesn't respond and the realisation slaps me in the face "You've never been in love." I whisper and I watch as his back straightens 

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