2. New Beginnings

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"Want me to spice up your first day?" read the note.

I turned around to see Tyler looking at me with a mischievous smile. He's always up to no good. I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to ask him. He put a finger on his lips and pointed to his hand. He held an odd, ball-like thing and rolled it slowly and quietly on the ground.

I watched while it rolled across the room and landed near Mr Clarke's shoe. By this time everyone noticed it too. Mr Clarke turned around and picked it up and started inspecting it. I faced Tyler, who had a small red button in his hand. He looked at me and mouthed.



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As soon as his finger pressed the red button, the ball exploded in colourful smoke and glitter. Everyone stared at it in awe. The smoke started getting thicker and thicker followed by a weird smell filling the classroom. Mr Clarke was stunned for a moment. He dropped the ball and started crawling out of the class. Everyone started coughing and choking, covering their noses and rushed out of the classroom.

Tyler grabbed our bags and my hand while I grabbed Noelle's and rushed us through the back door. I was in awe. The visible smoke was beautiful, with all the brilliant colours and glitter it looked unusually pretty except for that smell. It was horrible. But the smoke was just wow. I wish I had my camera to capture that moment.

"Oh my god, Tyler, that was awesome! How did you make it? I want one too!"I exclaimed after coming out from the state of awe. That thing, that device or whatever it's called, is pure genius. I need it to prank others. Noelle was still processing what happened. And when it finally did, she smacked Tyler with her bag.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" asked Tyler, rubbing his shoulder

"Do you know how much trouble you could get into for that?"

"I will only get into trouble if only they find out it's me, even if they find out, what can they possibly do? They can't suspend me; it's a harmless prank,"

"There's colour and glitter powder all over the classroom! Do you know how hard it would be to clean it? You should be glad there are no cameras in the classroom." Noelle scolded him. She is the 'mom' of the group. The one to always scold us when we do something wrong.

"Noelle cut the boy some slack, that was awesome, the principal's not going to find out about it unless someone snitches," I said. " Now tell me how you make it?" I asked excitedly.

"He didn't make it. He's not that smart. Jason helped him make it," Andrew said from behind me. That's more believable. Jason is the smartest one among us. He's really smart, he's kinda like a young scientist. He builds all sorts of devices like this.

"That's more likely," Noelle said as if she read my brilliant mind. And Tyler's jaw dropped. He pretended to be offended.

"You guys think so low of me. I am smart too, you guys don't believe that I can develop such an awesome invention?!"

"No, we don't," we said in unison. Tyler's jaw dropped again. Tyler clutched his heart and murmured something about "his great talent not receiving enough credit."

Disregarding his comment, we walked towards the exit. I have no idea where we are going. All I know is that we have this hour free, courtesy to Tyler.

"Behold 'the square'!" said Andrew as he gently pushed the door.

"The garden is the centre of the school," he said while escorting us to a table with fixed semi-circle benches around it. I looked around and took in the surroundings. It's gorgeous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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