Chapter 9 "You Dirty Little Fucker"

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The next day came up and it was the sport tiernamente the first round was an obstacle course. Only half of the student's pasted. Next was a team round. Most groups went down quickly with only a few staying managing to keep their points or stealing from others.
Final round was a kind of pyramid battle the winner would move on to the next level or so on. There were only a few more matches before bakugo's final match. He would be up against todoroki the boy who managed to capture his heart. He put on his poker face and took a deep breath before opening his eyes again realising it was his turn due to the matches being quite quick. Once he went back into the battle arena he felt chills go down his spine as he saw the other with a serious look. "I won't hold anything against you for what happenes in this arena i hope you can forgive me for what will happen." only a huff came from the blond boy his eyes shining with a flame for this battle. He couldn't help but feel amazing yet anxious.

A loud female booming voice soon yelled out. "Begin!" the Pomeranian looking boy waiting for the other to make his move but nothing happened. At least not immediately the Canadian flag slowly moved to bakugo but made sure to be ready to get into a defensive position if need be.

He was right to because he was almost immediately blown away, literally. Not figuratively. Shoto managed to keep himself from going to far with his ice as his smile came into view. It make butterflies in the others stomach as a  pink tone brushed the soft cheeks ever so lightly. However that seemed to only encourage the other to try harder as they spoke again. "I can't tell if you're holding back or overthinking this Katsuki but this is a competition so let us try our best, no?" his playful smile with that sentence ignited a flame. And not a good one but a very pissed of one. The boy's went back and forth left and right but nether seemed to get tired or give up. Specially Katsuki as he was done playing nice.

"FUCKING FIGHT ME HALF AND HALF BASTARD!" his voice roared as he was caught off guard by a sudden kissbut Shoto who managed to get close enough to bakugo. It startled him to say the least as the boy struggled in the kiss but eventually gave in turning red. After he had realised what happened his sight got blurry and just started walking away in shame. But as quickly as he did that he immediately spun around and punch todoki off of the plat form.

There were going to be a lot of issues for this move. Shoto accepted his punishment but the real torture was just going begin to say the least. "YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD TO ME BASTARD!" that only made todoroki chuckle.

"I still love you regardless of what you say!"


"I'd prefer if i died in your arms instead!" the blond couldn't stand the boy at the moment so he just walked away in an instant. Everyone was dumbfounded while the fire hero Endeavour wasn't sure if he should be embarrassed for his son or silently walking away in shame of what happened.

The audience were shocked and were silent as one person just yelled from the crowd. "THAT'S AN OTP PEOPLE!" it was stupid but it did break the silence a bit.

(quick note:

Sorry i haven't been posting we are currently having our grades closed and im working on a book you guys might enjoy hopefully it will have less grammatical mistakes and so on. Thank you for your attention

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