See Yourself (Iruazz)

978 25 9

A/N: Before we begin, this fic does contain minor spoilers. As for the manga, it's the mention of arc titles and a few various happenings. One is a spoiler for the end of the Harvest Festival Arc, but it's essentially mentioned like in passing. It also contains spoilers for season 2, including mentions of a scene in the currently unreleased episode 9 of season 2.
This takes place when Iruma and friends are second years at Babyls. This is an Iruazz focused fic, but the ending does imply that Iruclarazz will start dating (romantic iruazz + iruclara and platonic clarazz to be specific).
Also, happy birthday to Alice Asmodeus! I wrote this fic specifically for his birthday yesterday, and I hope everyone enjoys!


It's been almost a year since then, and yet…

A growl tears its way out of Asmodeus's mouth as he slams his palms on either side of the sink before him. His eyes bulge as he leans over, staring intensely into a mirror behind the sink.

Why can't I stop thinking about it?!

Iruma had promised before that he would take him and Clara each on their own "date". Though, Asmodeus hadn't quite understood the concept when Iruma explained it originally.

Early this morning, Iruma showed up at the gate before Asmodeus's house in the chair demon's carriage. Asmodeus had rushed to get ready, and when he arrived outside, Iruma peeked his head out of the carriage.

Iruma apologized with flushed cheeks for bringing the carriage, since he rarely used it, but Asmodeus had merely smiled, telling him that there was no problem. Though, Asmodeus was still surprised.

First of all, when they went out together, usually it was Asmodeus and Clara that would show up at Iruma's house to wait. Even when spending time with other classmates, they too would wait for Iruma at the gate. Second, the few times Iruma had showed up at Asmodeus's house instead–or anyone else's for that matter–he'd prefered to walk to their destination.

In all actuality, when Asmodeus had seen the carriage, he'd assumed that the chair demon had pressured Iruma into taking it. However, after brushing off Iruma's apology, Iruma had added that he'd brought the carriage because today was special.

"I just want you to be comfortable," Iruma had said, smiling, and Asmodeus's heart nearly stopped.

Once he and Iruma had arrived at their destination, the weight of it all finally began to settle in.

It was just like all those other times he and Clara had spent time with Iruma outside school–both as pairs and as a trio.

He and Iruma were alone. Together.

The final puzzle piece clicked into place as memory emerged in Asmodeus's mind. In the past, Iruma had described several solo outings with the student council president as "dates" also.

So then did that mean a "date" was…

Does that mean…?

Asmodeus immediately shook his head, shaking his thoughts away, as his cheeks began to redden.

There was no way. Asmodeus couldn't just assume that Iruma had promised to go on a date with him and Clara just because he likes them. And he certainly couldn't assume that it was because…


It was true that Iruma considered Asmodeus and Clara his soulmates, but did that really mean that he-


Thank the demon king!

Iruma took Asmodeus's hand in his, squeezing it, which almost caused his heart to stop again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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