The begining.(1)

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My name is Shoto Todoroki and well I've been through hell. I've done my best to keep it together and be the person I'm expected to be.

This story starts at the beginning of my third year when I was at U.A. I was "happy" there my life was one that was sought after by many. Being a hero in training at the most prestigious school. Having a powerful quirk, a "Strong and non problematic"family, and well I've been told by many not half bad looks.

Now all of this sounds good when it's listed but everything and everyone has its own story. And well for mine it's not as happy as most think.

Only if people could see through the façades and the masks or in my case emotionless demeanor. If all the walls were broken down and the tears and blood could flood everything washing away the lies and only leaving the bleeding truth. That everything about me and my family is a sham that we only let people see what we want them to see. That this "Happy Family" is really not even a family it's a show that we put on to keep only one person content. That Shity person is my "Father" Enji Todoroki the number one hero, adored by thousands and praised like a fucking god!

Only if people could see behind closed doors and see what he dose to us. All the blood that stains my memory and the tears that flow like rivers from mother and siblings eyes.

Here I am sitting in my dorm room waiting for something I don't know what that something is but I know it's on it's way.

I get up and walk out to the balcony. Nothing seems to be the same anymore like theres been a big shift, just last week I was working on becoming the number one hero to show my old man that I can beat him. But now I don't know what I want I feel like I'm just floating here everyone moving towards there goal and becoming stronger finding were they fit in and where their happy. But I can't move I don't know what my goal is anymore I just feel so lost.

I go back into my room to get a pack of cigarettes and return to my never ending thoughts. I place a cigarette in my mouth and light it with my quirk. I'm aware of how bad smoking is for you I just don't care at this point to need something to help he calm down and distract me that doesn't leave permanent marks on my body.

It's almost time for dinner every one in class eats together in the common room. I should probably go down and eat with them just to show my face I just don't want to. I don't want to do anything anymore I just want to be left alone.

I exhale slowly feeling the toxic smoke escaping my lungs. I hear a door slide open next to me I quickly put out and hide the cigarette as well as blowing out the rest of the smoke. I look over to my left and see Kirishima looking at me a little odd.

"Hey Todobro how are you?" He asks from his balcony. Hello Kirishima, i'm doing all right how are you?" I respond. "I'm doing really awesome!! Thank you for asking!! Do you smell something it smells like something is smoking or burning? I came out here to check it out."
"No I don't smell anything but I could just be used to the smell of smoke though."
" Why would you be used to the smell of smoke?.... OH Shit your quirk!!!" Kirishima said laughing smacking him self in the face. "Yup my Quirk" I said showing a small smile. Kirishima looked like someone just shot him "I've Never seen you Smile!!!! Oh my god I need to tell EVERYONE!!!" I went back to my emotionless face "They won't believe you" I said walking back into my dorm.

It's 6:25 dinner is at 6:30 I still haven't decided if I want to go or not. I really don't feel like eating or talking to people it takes so much out of me to even get up let alone socialize. Sometimes I wish I could just sink in to my bed and disappear from everything. Sadly that's not an option for me. I'll just make up an excuse as to why I haven't been showing up to meal times and Avoiding socializing.

That's when my phone began to ring. I let it buzz for a long time before I looked who was calling me. When I saw Enjis name disciplined on the screen I knew I had to pick it up.

"Shoto I need you to come home for the weekend don't ask why just be here tonight!!"
His voice sent shivers down my spine and made me stiffen up like a gun was being held to my head. "I—" I tried to respond but he hung up before I could argue.

I went to my closet and grabbed a pre packed bag that's Always packed just in case I got a call from the flaming bitch or there was a villain attack. I then grab my car keys and start to head down stairs. Whenever Enji calls I know that I have to leave as fast as I can so my siblings don't get hurt.

Once I reach the common room I can hear all the laughing and talking of my classmates. I try to walk out without being seen but of course things never go my way. I hear a couple of my classmates calling my name to try and get my attention but I ignore them. I need to get to my house so my siblings don't get hurt. I walk faster and exit the dorms in a rush. I can feel my peers eyes on me leaving. I hate people looking at me it makes my skin crawl.

I reach my car put the key in the ignition and leave towards my living hell. I hate where i'm going I know that this weekend is going to be awful full of excruciating pain and suffering. But I will go every time he calls me to come home because I can't let my siblings feel that pain. I will sacrifice my body and sanity to keep them safe from the man we call father.

~Authors note~
Ok so this is everywhere it has zero structure and I have no idea what I'm writing. Please give me suggestions and constructive criticism so I can improve this story. Hopefully this will get better once I actually plan it out and not just typing for the hell of it. Trust me this will become a villain Shoto story you just got to be patient and read the build up!! Sorry to anyone that's might be reading this already mess of a story But have a good day see ya!! (Also it's really hard to write in first person!!!)

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