Over and Over (2)

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TW: Child Abuse, Self Harm, Cursing and much more!!! Please don't read if you are triggered by any of this!!!

     I drive to the place I'm supposed to call home when I arrive I don't feel anything, i'm numb I don't feel my usual hate or sadness. I feel like I've been locked out of my own emotions.

I take the key out of the ignition and start my journey to hell. I feel like something is going to happen, actually I know what's going to happen. I'm going to feel burning,  bruising and bleeding for the next 2 1/2 days.

I got so caught up in my thoughts I almost ran into the front door. Slowly I unlock it and walk in. I'm greeted by my sister who had a fresh a black eye. She looks at me with so much hurt so much pity like Mother used to do. She looks almost exactly like mom at this point it hurts more to see her like this than when I'm "training".

"Fuyumi" is say as softly as I can. She just looks at the ground. Is she ashamed to look at me? I mean it is my fault he Hurt her. That's when I start to feel the Anger like I could combust any second! "Are you okay? Is Natsuo here is he okay!" I ask with desperation in my voice. "I'm fine Sho. No Natsuo is still at school he's safe for now." She said quietly still looking at her feet. "Father wants to see you in the training room. Plea-... just he's angry tonight more than usual... ple- please just try to not get to hurt. I hate seeing my little brother like that." Fuyumi said looking at me trying not to cry. "I'll try Fuyumi I promise" I said embracing her with a big hug which shocked her. Fuyumi quickly hugged back with the faintest smile on her face.

I let go of her and start to head to the training room. But she stops me handing me a half empty pill bottle. "Sho..." she says gesturing for me to take it. I take a deep breath before I grab the bottle and pop 2 of the White pills. "Thank you Yumi" I say handing her the bottle back. She excepts it and gives me a sad smile before I turn around to resume my walk to my own personal hell.

I reach the door of the training room and slowly open it. I'm meet with a furious Endeavor. All of his fire is out for now at least. "Shoto.. come here" the bastard said in a scary calm tone. I don't respond I just walk about five steps into the room. I can smell the old blood and see all of the stains of my childhood.

Once I take my last step he gets in to his fighting position and I follow suit. He throws the first punch which I dodge. Now that got his blood boiling. His Flames start to spark up and his eyes go dark. Man i'm in for one hell of a night. Enji then practically dives at me pining my leg to the ground. I try to punch him and use my quirk but he just melts all the ice and fire is no good against him. He gets off of me and gets back into fighting position. This time I throw the first punch and hit him Square in the nose. He looked at me with a sinister Smile and I knew fucked up, like really fucked up. He lunges at me kicking me in the gut. "You worthless pice of shit!!! Who do you think you are!! I swear to God I'm going to make sure you know your place!!!!"  That kick knocked the wind out of me as I stumble back holding my face. He comes at me again with a fiery punch. Punching me in the jaw obviously leaving a dark bruise. But he doesn't stop there punch after punch some in the gut some in the face. Once get tired of punching me he then turned to kicking and burning. I felt like I would never end just constant waves of nauseating pain. Leaving my arms and torso covered in burns and the familiar purple bruises.

He doesn't stop until I go completely blank, until he knows that I will no longer feel his ruthless torture. I can't feel anything not physically or mentally, I can thank the pills for the physical aspect of that but not even I understand the mental part. I pass out and when I come too I stay as a heap on the floor for a long time not bothering to get up and treat my injuries. I can taste my blood in my mouth and I can now feel a lot of the pain.

I hear Fuyumi's hurried footsteps approaching the training room. I slowly sit up to where i'm sitting. That's when I noticed just how bad my Injuries are. I've bleed through my shirt and my arms have many added wounds to them that are not self done. That's when the door bursts open with a crying Fuyumi looking at me. She looks like she's about to pass out. "Sho!" She gasps when she process what she sees. That's the last thing I really remember before I pass out. The adrenaline warring off leaving my body in shock from the brutal beating I just endured.

The wake up to a sharp pain on my stomach. I shoot up to a sitting position with doesn't help anything. I Yelp out in pain looking down at my body. I gag and recoil when I see myself disgusted with what I see. I'm covered with badges and almost everything that's not covered is black and blue. I slowly get out of bed standing up. I try to take a step but i'm overcome with nausea. I grab on to my night stand only now realizing that i'm in my room. I slowly walk to the bathroom with the help of the wall when I reach the bathroom I slowly look up into the mirror.

When I see my reflection all of my emotions come flooding into my head. I grip on to the counter my knuckles turning white. I take a steep back and punch the mirror with all my might breaking it in to hundreds of pieces. My knuckles being ripped by the glass and my now Distorted reflection bring me back to to my senses. I stumble back into the wall behind me sinking to the ground. With my head between my knees I try to calm down and breathe.

I look up and see a sharp pice of glass next to me. I pick it up turning it in my hand before I take off the bandages off my left arm. I slowly graze the pice of glass over my wrist barely testing it out. Before I could think I made a shallow cut then another and another each of them getting deeper and longer I couldn't stop. The feeling of controls pain seamed to make everything better. I can feel a small smile tugging at my lips.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear my bedroom door open and hear light foot steps coming my why I try to hide my arm and glass but I wasn't fast enough. Fuyumi looked at me with her mouth open and eyes wide she began to cry. "Sho- Shoto why... what ar- why!?" I look away not wanting her to see me like this knowing that i'm just causing her even more undeserved pain.

I can't respond I want to explain but the words won't come out. She runs up to me making me flinch and pulls me into a hug. "Sho please go!! Escape this hell hole go live in the dorms permanently please you can't do this to yourself!!! Natsuo and I will be fine please Sho please...." She said it with so much pain and sadness I almost considered it. But I can't leave then I can't abandon them. "I won't let this happen to you I can't let this happen if I'm here you guys don't get hurt. I can't let you guys go through this. Seeing that bruise on your face makes me want Fucking to Kill that Bastard!!! I will do anything to keep you two safe even if I have to live here permanently... even if it kills me." "Sho" Fuyumi sobbed out.

"I need to take a shower now I'm okay now I will be okay I promise" I said looking her in the eyes she nods her head and helps me stand up. "Don't worry about the mirror I'll get it all cleaned up just focus on yourself... and please don't cut anymore you were clean for so long Sho.." Yumi says starting to head out the door.

I shut the door behind her and turned towards the shower turning it on. I shed all my clothes and bandages, carefully stepping into the cold shower. I can't take hot showers anymore it triggers to many memories. I hiss in pain as the water runs over my abused skin seeing the crimson water run down the drain.

I rap a towel around my body before I get out. I step out and head into my room putting on burn cream reapplying my badges and frosting a couple of my bruises. I tightly rap up my left wrist making sure the bleeding is under control. I put on some clothes and head down stairs...

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