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October 9th, 2021
3:00 am

Today my schedule was full, I would be with my group half of the day practicing our performances, then we would take a small break, Jake would come to our company along with the other members since Belift electricity went out somehow

It was currently 3 in the morning and my members and I were about to start our practicing, we would be learning the choreography first and then we would try it on our own after we think we got the hang of it

And at the moment Enhypen should be on their way, they would've gone to Hybe but it was just more convenient coming over here since Jake wouldn't have to be moved from place to place

We had been practicing since before Solar Eclipse debut for this awardshow and we already learned the dance and stuff, now we are perfecting it


It was now the time I have been dreading all day, morning? Night? Idek I just know I'd rather be sleeping right now.

I walked towards the practice room right next to the room Enhypen was practicing at and waited a bit before Jake entered


"Hi" he smiled at me

"I got the scripts on the way here, I think this one is yours" I said handing him a piece of paper

"Ah alright" he mumbled as he took the paper from my hands gently

We read the script over and over again before getting ready to practice it


We had finished practicing for today, we would practice more tomorrow and for the next few days since we were both really nervous for this

We went out on a small walk around the building to get our groups water before heading back to practice with the rest

"Um, Aela..." Jake said breaking the awkward silence as we went down to the cafeteria

"About me and Kyungh-" I cut him off

"Jake, please don't tell me about how your relationship is going, you know it hurts me" I said before he could finish

"Let me explain at least" he looked at me with hope in his eyes, I slowly nodded and he started explaining right after, "I broke up with her, that day where i told fans we were dating I broke up with her right after the live, she forced me to announce it, the companies just haven't announced the break up yet. Ae I never liked her, I knew I was thinking outloud, I knew you would hear it, I knew what I was saying, but none of the things I said were true, it was so you would break up with me"

"I wanted to stay with you, I did, but she threatened my family, I don't know what she is capable of...she is hella rich, a lot more than my family and I didn't wanna risk it, I'm sorry about the pain I've caused you, I really really am, but I did it for my family" he told me, he looked so guilty...

I stayed silent as I didn't know whether to believe him or not

"I wish I had evidence, Aela I know I hurt you...but I really do believe you are the one for me" he continued

"Jake, I still love you...I do, it's just trust is gonna be hard to get back, I'm not ready to be in a relationship at the moment" I replied

"I will do anything to get you to trust me again, I promise I won't hurt you like this anymore" he smiled at me

"So...are we friends now?" He asked grinning, I chuckled and nodded while softly smiling

"I'm glad, also um, I know Sunghoon hasn't been talking to you, he doesn't want to cause you anymore trouble he did last time, he wanted me to tell you something, but I think it'd be best for him to tell you himself" Jake said

"Okay, just tell him to come out when you go back to practice" I nodded

"And you don't have to worry about Sunghoon and I, I have no romantic feelings for him" I smiled at Jake

"I trust you" he smiled,

"You know, for a tall-ish person you walk slow" I said before going to hold his hand and started running towards the cafeteria because he was so slow

Once we got there I let him go since the trainees were around

I greeted the trainees that were near the water bottle area and anyone else that greeted me then grabbed the waters and left after wishing the trainees good luck for their debut

When walking back we saw Jay and Sunghoon walking around

"Oh! Hey guys!" I waved to the 2 boys

"Oh! Hey...we were just gonna get water" Sunghoon replied

"Jay and I will take them back, you two should talk" Jake said taking the waterbottles from my hand

Jay and Jake took the waters back

"Jake said you wanted to tell me something" I looked at Sunghoon, he was looking at his feet avoiding eye contact

"Right...um, nevermind" Sunghoon replied

"Oh okay, so we're still friends right?" I asked him, he nodded and smiled

"Alright! C'mon loser!" I grabbed his wrist and started running

"You run fast for a short person!" Sunghoon cried

"5'4 and a half isn't short! I'm almost as tall as Changbin!" I replied still running

"Changbin and the rest of Stray Kids are short too!"

"No! You're just a giant!" I defended

"No...no they're short" I heard Jay say then I realized we had made it to the practice rooms

"Yeah they are...well if they find out about this I might not see another day" I chuckled before saying bye to the others and going back into our practice room to practice with the other 6 girls

Incomplete | Jake FF | Idol Life FF | ON-GOINGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ