Ch 2 - Buff Boy Benjy

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After what felt like an eternity of sitting through lecture after lecture about how important 6th year is and how this is a time in which every student should be keeping their heads down, Davina was well and truly exhausted.

"Come on this isn't like you in the slightest Davina!" Marlene whined. "There's a party to plan and you're still moping over whatever you were sulking about this morning." Marlene said as she, Davina, Mary and Lily made their way to Gryffindor tower after transfiguration. Marlene McKinnon was truly a force to be reckoned with when it came to partying. Usually Davina loved this about Marls, but today, Davina was determined to be in a bad mood.

"I'm not sulking! I'm just tired. Who's great idea was it to plan this party on the very first day, I'm sure most would agree that it's a very tiring day!" Even Davina could tell this was a weak argument.

"Well it's a Friday, you'll have the whole weekend to recover." Marlene said simply, popping a chocolate frog that seemed to appear from thin air into her mouth.

"You're just gonna have to take a nap sunshine," Mary said cheerily, tossing her arm round Davina's shoulders, "because we are all ready to get absolutely bladdered."

Davina groaned and tried to release herself from Mary's grip, but then she heard someone shouting her name.

The girls turned slightly to see who it was. Benjy Fenwick was strolling up to them with his mates Fabian and Gideon, who's fiery red hair would make them stand out in any crowd. The lot of them were in 7th year, Benjy in Ravenclaw and Fabian and Gideon in Gryffindor. Davina got on well with Gid and Fab, (the twin jokes were something they could bond over) but not so much Benjy.

The latest she could recall about him was that the Ravenclaws (who's word was gospel in Hogwarts – they were usually right about things) had deemed him Hogwarts most handsome at the end of last term (much to Sirius's chagrin, he'd held that title proudly since first year) and Davina could see why. He looked like he belonged on one of those muggle magazines with the men who's muscles barely fit onto the front cover. He certainly wasn't awful to look at, he had deep brown eyes, chestnut brown curls and a straight nose, a friendly smile too.

Davina smiled back and turned to face him, but stumbled over her robes before she could do so. Mary tightened her arm around Davina's shoulders before she well and truly face planted. Any previous annoyance Davina had for Mary from 10 seconds ago quickly diminished.

"Benjy!" Davina ploughed on while simultaneously wishing the ground would swallow her whole. "To what do I own the pleasure?"

He chuckled, and Davina imagined a flock of Ravenclaws swooning at the sound. "I was hoping I could steal you from these lovely ladies to ask you a quick question?" He said with a quick gesture to the girls.

"Yeah sure what is it?" She said, taking a couple steps away from the girls as Gid and Fab hung back with them to give the two privacy.

"I don't want to be too forward here," he took a step forward, leaning down, and Davina wasn't sure if he was deliberately contradicting himself, "but I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to the party tonight? If you're not already taken of course." He said, laidback as ever, as if he knew she would say yes.

Davina shrugged. "I was actually thinking about skipping out believe it or not, the girls have been trying to convince me though." She was just tired. And that was the truth. She was not sulking.

"Davina Potter skipping out on a party? You wouldn't hear of it. Come on." He nudged her with his elbow.

Davina sighed. "Alright, it won't hurt to show my face for a bit I guess."

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