Chapter 13

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~Gabriella's POV~

I finally decided to run away, so I quickly turned around and ran, ran as fast and as hard as I could, but then I heard my name being called from behind me, and I couldn't help but turn around. The urge in the pit of my stomach to stay was grasping at my heart willing me there.

"Gabby, just please wait, let me explain." Josh begs, as he runs towards me, still completely nude.

I got control back in my body and yelled tears strength down my cheeks, "Explain what! The fact that your a monster!"

He looked shocked and shy, "I'm not a monster, ok, maybe to you I am, but I promise that I won't hurt you." He says quietly. He began to approach, seeming to take cautious steps forward.

"How do I know that I can trust you?!?" I demand.

"Because I'm your mate." He says, like that explains it all.

"Your my what?" I ask my voice breaking and I fall to my knees.

"My mate, soul mate, true love, the person who wants to spend the rest of his life with you. Or at least that's what you humans refer to it as, my kind, werewolves, consider it a bond that connects two people together,. Two people who are meant for each other, who set a side their differences, and just love each other with all of their hearts, minds and soul. I can't believe I let this happen to you," He says, kind of romantically and like he'll never see me again. Yet he sounded so different ... So far away. He echoed like it wasn't him talking. Like he was in my head not in front of me.

I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar room. I took a shaky breath and felt something in my hand. I looked over and it was Josh's hand. His head was next to me on a bed. His body flopped in a chair. He harsh features were softened as he slept. I heard something like a whimper and noticed that it came from his lips.

How did I get here? Why am I with Josh? The last thing I remember was being in the woods ... Reaching out to a ... To a ... Wolf ... A wolf that was Josh. So I wasn't dreaming ... I remember it all.. From falling and screaming to reaching out. That last part must have been a dream ... But everything he said about mates was so real, so right.

I thought about this as I kept looking at Josh. I felt the urge to reach out and touch his soft brown hair. Before I knew what I was doing my hand was in his hair brushing it away from his eyes. I felt down his cheek to his jaw.
He's beautiful, but what if all this is true? I could get so hurt. He's wonderful and all ... But after last time. I can't get hurt like that again.
"I-I need some time to think." I stammer out, as tears fall from my eyes. "I know you can hear me even though you're sleeping. I won't be here when you wake up. But maybe you can try again tomorrow." I slowly got out of bed and quietly crept out of the house trying to be unnoticed.

~Josh's POV~

"...and when I woke up she was gone. Yet I remember her saying she needed time to think and telling me that she wouldn't be there when I woke up. She said something else but I don't remember." I say, repeating the events of the other day to Daniel.

"Josh, you did the right thing. She'll come around, just you wait and see." He says, trying to reassure me.

"I don't think so, Danny. I really screwed this up. Between breaking into her room and telling her the truth, I don't think she'll ever want to talk to me again." I say, as I plop my head in my hands trying not to cry.

"Oh Josh, you don't believe in yourself enough, she'll come around, she'd be crazy not to. You did the right thing, this is what you have to do to get her and she will come around. I can tell." He says with a sense of caring in his voice.

"Thanks Danny, but can you just leave me alone for right now, I just want to be alone with my thoughts." I ask him, and he seems to understand, because he stood up and walked away just before the first tear fell.

Before he walked out the door, he turned around and said, "I'll make sure everyone else knows that you just need to be left alone for the night, ok"

"Thank you, again, Danny." I say my voice breaking. He walks out of the door, leaving me to my thoughts. How could I be so stupid to think that everything would be ok if I just told her the truth? Now she probably hates my guts, or is completely and utterly terrified of me, and what I am. Oh Danny I hope you're right ... I hope she does come back and tell me what she thinks no matter how bad it is after the time she needs passes.

"I'm so sorry Gabby, maybe if I was normal you'd actually think of dating me." I whispered to myself before laying in bed and closing my swollen and burning eyes.


So Josh finally told Gabriella the whole truth! It's about time! Now I wonder how she'll handle it all, will she accept him for who he is, or never speak to him again. Find out in the next couple of chapters.

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