Chapter 7

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~Gabriella's POV~

The next day wasn't much different for me. I got woken up by my mom, took a shower, got dressed, and was off to school.

When I arrived at school Daniel was standing there waiting for me to arrive. "What's up?" I asked him.

"Not much, just waiting for you to get here. What's up with you?" He responded. "Oh just coming to this hellhole of a place, we call a school." I say laughing.

"School isn't that bad." He said as he hooked his arm around my shoulders.

"Whatever you say." I grumble out then shove his arm off. As we entered the school I saw some jerk shoving a kid into a locker. Before I even know what I'm doing I run over to him and push him off the kid. He whips around, looking like he was going to hit me but stopped once he realized I was a girl. "What's your problem?!?!" I shout at him motioning for the beat up kid to get out of there while he could. The kid sneaks away disappearing into the crowd.

"My problem is that stuck up bitches like you are getting in my way, and interfering with my schedule." The asshole replies grumbling.

"Stuck up bitch? Huh, that's a new one. Well maybe I wouldn't have to be such a 'stuck up bitch' if assholes like you would quit thinking that they can get away with whatever the hell they want. Your no better than anyone else. So get your head out of your ass and pick on someone your own size." I say shoving him away.

"Why don't you just shove off bitch." He says, shoving me into the lockers. Then as though some invisible force hit him he's slumped on the ground, with Josh standing beside me. Where the hell did he come from?!

"She said to pick on someone your own size Nathaniel. Not shove a girl into a locker! Seriously, what is your problem?!" Josh growled at Nathaniel then turns to me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just fine. Can we go?" I ask shaken up by what Josh just did. How did he do that? I didn't even see him approach let alone lay hit Nathan.

"Yeah, let's head to home room." He says, grabbing my hand helping me up.

When we entered homeroom he walked all the way to the back of the room motioning for me to follow him. I walk to the back of the room and sit in front of him. "Doesn't someone sit here?" I ask, not wanting to steal someone's seat.

"Yeah but they won't mind moving, right?" He said talking over my shoulder. I turn around and notice that some guy is standing behind me.

"Is this your seat?" I ask and the guy nods. "Then you can have it." I say, and go to move around him.

"No, it's fine. I can find a new seat. You can go ahead and sit with Josh." He says turning around and finding a new seat. Well that was odd, whatever. If he's going to give up his seat then I might as well and accept the offer. I plop down in the seat turning to Josh.

"How in the world did you do that!?" I ask, trying to keep my voice down.

"What are you talking about?" He says innocently.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. How did you manage to throw Nathan into the locker? You weren't even anywhere near me or him." I breath out.

"I didn't throw him into a locker." He said, making me really confused.

"Yes you did. I saw it happen. One minute he was shoving me into the locker and the next he was slumped in front of the lockers across the hall. Then you were standing right next to me." I said glaring at him. Why was he lying to me?

"When I showed up he was already slumped up against the locker. I don't know what you're talking about." He said. I sighed realizing he wasn't going to tell me the truth. But why would he have to lie? I thought to myself giving Josh a weird side glance.


So what do you guys think of Nathaniel?!? And what is up with Josh? What's his big 'secret'? Comment and vote if you liked it!

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